Sunday, January 2, 2011

Urinating Lots And Pain In Lower Abdomen

I wrote "Toc Toc ..." and I spout ignorant and terrorist!

Toc Toc ... someone explain to me why we have not declared war against Tunisia when he refused the extradition of Craxi??

What?? a title that does justice to those who defend a murderer??
really do not understand this thinking ... I'd like to understand better, if possible without unnecessary poisons.

Tunisia was a great friend of Craxi and Di Pietro, who was refused and blackmailed Craxi in the sense that it would arrest if he returned in Italy. Craxi was a sick man and he wanted to be treated and die in his homeland and Peter denied him that.
Tunisia opposed the Craxi to protect and avoid jail.
if you go to Tunisia, you will find the home of Craxi, close to that of the President of Tunisia.
Abba a bit of culture you would not hurt.

Battisti is protected by lula left .. and it's a snub that made us.
defend a person like that Battisti was convicted of his murder and remember that the entire Italian political agrees with his return to Italy to say, take the side of terrorism and here, too many people take sides in that direction and it is very worrying.

In spite of what you think and votarmi red

1 Craxi was one of the last Italian statesmen, together with Giulio Andreotti, after them I do not think that there were other even if someone says otherwise. .. (Note: Berlinguer, Pertini, etc Amendola, ectoplasm, ghosts ...)

2 - In the case of Craxi tangentopoli remember the speech in parliament and local mind is made mainly on the theory of Rene Girard's scapegoat (a Ripa di Meana beginning & Co.);

3 - Craxi I understand that you have never killed anyone;

I think Craxi was right to retire in Tunisia, given the climate of persecution brought against him and since the evil was pretty common to 360 degrees. (Editor's Note: "everything is a trouble shared is joy?")

Furthermore, compared to a time now, I think, at least what I read from the case record that there are more personal and private interests partisan interests. After not know if it's more deprorevole corruption of personal interest for personal interest.


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