Friday, January 28, 2011

Trampoline Gym Georgia

work and school ... no, updated school and work

often comes to mind to write a post (even stupid) but now I say " but no, I already wrote about fb, then it becomes boring ... " and immediately I think about it and reaches the " who cares if they are boring, not everyone is on faccialibro!! "
in short this post is dedicated to the Polda;)

School, we are running out, I will argue in February examination on the last level of Sfi .
The exam is divided into two half days.
The first day of the written tests are held. Divided into 4 pieces (Del A, B, C and D) we have:
understanding of the text, in other words "read and answer in 50 minutes";
listening, "listen and answer in 30 minutes";
knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, "and more complete in 50 minutes";
writing, "read the instructions and write a text in 60 minutes."
The second day (E) must hold a discussion with a student in another class on a topic determined by the teacher and then a chat with one teacher. These two tests are recorded so that they can be heard by others in case of doubt on that assessment.
am almost certain that the shares of understanding (and writing) and writing will not be a problem in recent times the teenager a little 'nerd in me has resurfaced for me to do extra homework ... some doubt as to respect my ability to think and speak quickly, "på svenska".
'd better not drink coffee that day, I'm already nervous now;)

job in the month of December, I worked a lot to draw cv and cover letter in Swedish, in a couple of holidays Friends have spent a Sunday afternoon to fix it and give it a shape "than Swedish," after which I started send it around.
And so last week I received my first "telefonintervju" that the phone call as a prelude to the interview itself. I am honest, I was not ready, maybe I could better address a meeting vis-à-vis, but the phone was hard. After the first moments of panic I recovered, I sent David a gesture to another room and then I focused on the call. Do not tell you the effort of brains to understand what was asked of me! In fact, after about 8 minutes, the recruiter (we say it?) Told me clearly that by the time my Swedish was not enough for that specific job, to continue to study and propose my candidacy a little 'more in there.
Oh, it was a big job for SVT1 (the equivalent of Rai1, but without heiresses, letters, coupons and various meteorinas ....) so I do not even expect that my cv to pass the initial screening, we say that the fact that I have already considered a good sign.
But all quiet for the moment remain a part-time baby-sitter:)


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