Monday, January 24, 2011

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Petition against youth PDL Minetti! Air directed into the base of the house of freedom! WHAT TO WATCH

attend and join this revolt of the youth of the PDL, which ever comes a bit of salt in addition to the sense of doubt on their unfading Deus!

100cosecosi invites you to sign in any way.

Sign the petition for the resignation of Judge Sara Minetti launched by the youth of the PDL (... you got it: PDL)

From now on our anti-gathering signatures Nicole Minetti converges with [the petition] (listen, listen, and do not be surprised) launched by the young people of the PDL. You got it: PDL: the Freedom Party. These young people have launched a petition similar to ours, for the expulsion of Minetti. I think they deserve all our support, precisely because they are critical voices within the party of Bunga Bunga. I invite you to vote for the resignation of the Minetti, but on the petition launched by the young people of the PDL.

N-Minetti "We the youth of the PDL disgusted: Against Minetti thousands of signatures 'resignation Minetti''We have already' collected thousands of signatures,''even''young people who are fed up, want to leave Italy because they feel disgusted by what 'is happening, they wonder what to do if you study then there is only room for Minetti''.

To say Sara Judge, Councillor of the area of \u200b\u200bthe PDL, which has launched a signature campaign for the resignation of regional Nicole Minetti, a collection that now you can 'participate on http://www.firmiamo .com / dimissioninicoleminetti / signature. ''If the real youth of the PDL are as Minetti, our presence in the party is incompatible,''said the twenty-five in an interview to La Repubblica. I enrolled in''Forza Italy when I was 18 because I believe in certain values \u200b\u200b- tells -. I did my thesis on Berlusconi, Did I also donated. Continue to believe in these values \u200b\u200bregardless of what the party and make choices that will make the people who lead it. I warrant that accuse me of justicialism take refuge in the shortcut you have to wait for the proceedings of the trial, but the question I ask myself is not to ensure it is of political ethics.

A true politician knows how to bring up young people around him to secure a future for his project.'' The President of Lombardia Roberto Formigoni I think that once claimed to respond to the electorate and Catholic Communion and Liberation. It has nothing to say about the facts that are emerging? I thought he believed in certain values. Evidently he changed his mind.''


SOME QUESTIONS TO BE JUDGE: We have linked his petition, passing in front of that open to us, because we are convinced that the PDL do more harm signatures requested by representatives of the organic PDL, starting not fed up (finally!), which collected signatures from among Communists Communists.

Yet the fact that we decided to advertise his collection of signatures, not exempt from them a few questions:

-1) Why, unable to bear more of this bad habit, instead of thinking to leave Italy, not plan to leave the party of the late Cuffaro, and that is Dell'Utri, Berlusconi, Formigoni, Gasparri, and many other great names of Italian politics?

-2) was needed of the "case Minetti," to wake up? Noemi cases, Tarantini, D'Addario, Ronzulli Di Girolamo, an attempt to bring to Europe a dozen chicks (fortunately naufragatto for internal resistance), which already "somministrtava" an accelerated course of "political force", given by professors of the caliber of Bondi, Frattini and Brunetta, had awakened the conscience of anyone? E Gelmini & Carfagna ministers are normal? From normal country?

-3) She did her thesis on Berlusconi. It would be superfluous if she put online in pdf or word format. I promise that I'd read it in one go, and I would give the widest possible dissemination. It would be an interesting case study to understand what a young girl wrote to Silvio Berlusconi. At 18 you can have an alibi. At 25, and after collecting ample material for his thesis, NO. Or was documented only sio TG of Faith, the book "A History Italiam", edited by Sandro Bondi, and the writings of Fabrizio Cicchitto?

-4) If your ethical rethinking about "values" of the first Forza Italy, and Berlusconi in general now, he was sincere, it should not consistently out of the PDL? Did it?

-5) decided to start a petition for the resignation of Berlusconi, inventor, CEO and head of the first Berlusconi?

I look forward to his thesis, which give the widest possible dissemination. Contiunuerò to maintain the support of their petition, because I am convinced that those signatures coming from the backyard to do more harm than those collected from the left, but all remain my questions. Tafanus


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