Friday, January 21, 2011

Men Who Are Unorganized

Berlusconi: "Cops violent girls Via Olgettina. Police in revolt: "Tunisia is more democratic," he confessed

100cosecosi : When he said "the police brutality "in the message to the Italian" almost fall off the chair, the gall!
I came immediately to mind images of Stefano Cucchi reduced as we lay on the morgue table (...) he and several others and I thought about how to say, this new "interest" to the city, toward the towns, humiliated by strip-searching on which evidently wanted to have a complete monopoly makes her "honor" and welcome the protest forces order even if a bit late and a bit tinged with resentment since we are asked "how do ...." while they are lying to the guard at the entrances have been a fashion show for nymphets sauce Manga stigmatize all over the world!

"Poor girls abused, mocked, forced to strip during searches carried out with utter contempt for the dignity of their person" .

So by applying to all Italians, Mr Berlusconi had told the girls Via Olgettina. And who were the maltrattori, the mocker, the violators of the dignity according to the head of the government? The cops. Seen, heard and meditated upon, the police have not swallowed. Indeed they rebelled and asked something very much like a public apology. The anger of the policemen exploded the day before yesterday (Wednesday, ndr), when the content of the video message is passed by Berlusconi's television and bounced on the internet. Harsh reactions that perhaps, in content, have no basis for comparison in the history of Italy. A revolt nervous that took the form of such an open letter to Prime Minister signed by Lorraine Spina, vice secretary of the officials that said they were "humiliated". And then the "distress and embarrassment" Nicola Tanzi, the secretary of the Wis. And the protest Claudio Giardullo Silp the CGIL.
And again: "In the face nth offended the dignity of a civilized country, we can only comment that if Italy is reduced to a state where a group of deputies is behaving like a crazy cult that considers the Chief of Police a servant, to the point to expect trample the law to submit to the will of the prime minister, then you should leave the country of Tunisia in the last few hours, which is certainly more democratic, "this is the position taken by the Franco Maccari Coisp. Police unions and associations of left and right that there are a "cash silence" in which the reconstruction of the premier girls Via Olgettina are "good" and the cops the bad guys.
But what he said so upsetting the Prime Minister, a man not new to say indelicate utterances, in his video message? Obviously the theme is the case with Ruby and in particular the searches that involved the girls involved. Berlusconi, in his message, he spoke of a deployment of forces and mighty men, "the operation was carried out with a deployment of at least 150 men." At least on this point, the Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, who had an urgent meeting with the Prime Minister on the evening of the day of broadcast of the offending message, he tried putting a piece stating that not 150 but 50 men is Treaty.
Considering that the searches undertaken were 14, 13 and 1 in Lombardy in Campania, and doing a quick math, it appears that three were committed, at most four men for each search, a number that profane eye everything appears except upsetting. More disturbing is the ignorance of the reconstruction or incongruous facts by the premier.
But the "netting" made by Maroni, who has stood at the head of government of the discontent of the police was not enough. Primarily because the police claim a denial, or at least a change of course by the Berlusconi and, secundis in, because the gap bolder, and more contested, the video message is another. "The searches were carried out with utter contempt for the dignity of their person," defining the steps in "irregular and violent, unworthy of a state of law which can not remain without an adequate response" and listing the abuse that the girls would suffer "abused, mocked, forced to undress, bodily searched."
Now, less than everyone has to be stopped occasionally for a check, perhaps in the car, police said. All of us were then asked to sign the record that we were challenged to confirm that what was written by officers responding to the truth. Well, in the minutes signed by the girls, there is no trace of these procedures and even the lawyers of the aforementioned girls have contested these allegations of abuse to which one of two things: either agents are obliged by force the girls to sign false reports and their lawyers are so incompetent and naive not to protect their clients, or inventing Berlusconi mind that there are no facts and unfairly accusing the police of using methods that are practiced only in the worst dictatorships (and usually against opposition politicians and not the friends of the premier).
This The crux of the matter and the point that has infuriated officials in their statements that showed in no uncertain terms, all their anger, "the importance and sensitivity of the functions that, with personal and family sacrifice, every day we are called to play, to protect the individual and collective security (for even more of you), almost always in the total absence of due recognition of the constant efforts, the results of which too often unjustifiably, takes possession, "reads the text of an open letter Deputy Prime Minister sent to the Police Officers Association, which continues "learned that, during some of the private parties held at Villa San Martino, young entertainers, apparently most beloved of those present, were also made to disguise cop shows what is the consideration that the Chairman of the exhibition reserved to members of the police, particularly if sex feminine. "


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