Monday, January 10, 2011

Pilladas En La Calle Sara Gratis

IGNATIUS RUSSIA AND THE POSTING OF SANREMO in Afghanistan "Operation Petticoat"


Festival di Sanremo 2011 (trash / pop trash that can not be more) would take away from ' Afghanistan.
you imagine the media return gossiparo? Dagospia unleashed ? News 2000, which passed out the trip, Cinecittà mobilized for the sets? Bruno Vespa that has the plastic of the event? Emilio Fede, who dreams of distributing medals and ends at hands or pat on the back of the special envoys of death ...? Minzolini with the helmet and a helpful Afghan turban that holds the Martini ...?
Milan free to "interview" behind the scenes while embracing affectionately Minzolini Emilio Fede ...?
According to the newspaper Il Secolo XIX , in fact, the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa had seen fit to "send to front" Gianni Morandi, Belen Rodriguez and Elizabeth Hurley ...
Consideration surreal grotesque: the Americans can not wait to get out to the ball but there is a Sanremo, such a George Clooney (who does not understand war movies and shit has not even Speilberg ... ) and send us the bride ... in Afghanistan!
Here Ignatius wanted to make a media coup "universal", surprised the Americans .. those Litle Italy!
on Facebook in the blogosphere and there are those who think differently ... in Afghans would send his son Geronimo and friends ...
" As long as war is regarded as a bad thing, will retain its charm. When it is considered vulgar, it will cease to be popular. " Ignatius seems to do his best to reverse the aphorism of the Oscar Wilde !
Not the slightest doubt that our Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa is often to the movies, I have almost the certainty, even inspired enough to evoke much Apocalypse Now by Francis Ford Coppola and the 1979 novel by Joseph Conrad: "Au cœur des ténèbres" (Heart of Darkness) In the film there remember the sculettano and starlets dancing in front of the vast audience of Marines ... Saving Silverman?
He had the same idea, that Coppola has perhaps copied by Ignazio La Russa or not well grasped the metaphor (...) The photo below you says a lot about that famous show all in all "civilized" way ironic, surreal if you think that the Japanese after the invasion of "civilizing" of China enslaved hundred thousand or more women defined "comfort" making it available to the occupying forces in the brothels of war ( ...) the litigation is pending.
And if I remember correctly, and Ignazio the right have always had a certain sympathy for (...) brothels or houses closed, I assume is the Afghan way of luxury, Japanese films around to inspire not there if you exception for "L ' Realm of the Senses " a 1976 film written and directed by Nagisa Oshima, based on a famous episode of the news happened in Japan in the thirties.
(stuff that can not inspire some, indeed, if anything ammoscia him ...)

The irony the thing is that back then I remember that Jane Fonda performs her solidarity with the Vietcong (...) and now see a patriotic Morandi in Afghanistan ... "There was a guy like me who loved Vasco Rossi and Eros, and then ended up making war in Afghanistan " well I was a bit surreal if not pathetic, Belen (somewhere he had to slam after the recent flop), then do not talk about "bread and circuses" for the troops to look and not touch, while in the corridors of power in the homeland is established Toccata gets wild orgy.
" Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom " will emerge with its torrid atmosphere decadent ... Who knows if our soldiers are there certain our "bad" bad press gossipara.
I joking aside, the trio more than our "Seventh Cavalry" he would say ... well other requests related to equipment (...) not by girls, you are going to think?!
The initiative was planned for Jan. 6 (the date then I get the irony ...) it seems the Christmas afternoon at the National Association of Combatants (1965) with the distribution of gifts to needy children!
What would demoralize the troops by the Taliban those bad, because thank them and the gift with much sarcasm, maccabro we do them, we kill a good guy and everything turned upside down!
Poor Ignatius for a time one of his ideas can be defined .. Cult!
said Otto von Bismarck " War is too serious to be left to the military. ... " but La Russa does not have entrusted it to it seems to me a great deal!

* Note: For copyright see my article "experts or" branch
Profilo swa swa 9167 .


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