Saturday, January 1, 2011

Message From Couple Wedding Program

TOC TOC ... someone explain to me WHY DO NOT WE HAVE DECLARED WAR ON TUNISIA when he refused to extradite Craxi??

Those who ask aloud Battisti's extradition from Brazil today, asked aloud Craxi's extradition from Tunisia?

These days we are bombarded with news of Brazil's refusal to grant the extradition of Battisti , everything is a rip off your clothes, as if it did not already know from a piece what were the decisions that would take Brazil's Lula!
From the beginning the Italian Government knew that Lula would never extradite Battisti. For what, now, complaints, protests and tears of crocodile? Seems fair hypocrisy. Who knows, maybe enough to have an authoritative government to convince the Brazilian president who political refugee status does not befit a former Italian terrorist ... (Say Fregonara Meli and Corriere dela evening) and then I can can further hypocrisy knows so much about another attempt to raise a fuss when dragging certain to be able to discredit the left eye of "moderates" who are or form the core of "home of all freedom."

Berlusconi: " horrible person, there is "
But he is forced to reverse ... "I and Lula are made in the same way, we understand the fly "
read on ....

I do care to recall a detail escaped perhaps distraction to them now screaming, from Russia that threatened to invade Brazil's statements appear (...) expect Gasparri bomb ... or flyers as they did in Afghanistan , at the time, they have clamored for the extradition of Craxi to Tunisia? They threatened the government in retaliation?

ildecennale After the death of Craxi. Now recognized by almost all Italian politicians and the pdl pd (minus ell) as a great Italian statesman and politician, who died "poor" in exile in his luxurious villa in Hammamet, without revealing where he had hidden the loot.
Strange ... and I that I remembered him as being responsible - that is unique in Europe and the world - the right hand comes to a socialist party and its subsequent disappearance, the DC co-responsible with the immense imbalance of our budget country, creator of the monster "business" by Berlusconi's Mediaset and rescue several little help, tangentaro ("but at the end of that time were not all?" justify his admirers), and finally in hiding abroad because autoritenutosi above laws and judgments.
We like to be remembered as the movie below. One of the higher levels of civic awareness in this country, now permanently gone.


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