Saturday, January 22, 2011

Can You Get Herpes From A Jockstrap?

Video: Protests in Brianza to square Craxi: escape, throwing coins and organizers of the run Liss A ceremony interrupted, the plates covered with the name of Pertini. Stefania Craxi: soon a square in Milan

" not a plaque, not a street, not a road, not a square, anything that bears the name of Craxi must pass through indifference, no distractions, no one has distracted, keep vigilant and to reiterate the truth established by the courts, by history and by the Italian parliament, Craxi was and is a criminal! One of the main proponents of the system Italy, which has corrupted the last thirty years, here or below you can find the video of the flight and Stefania Craxi " aggression "suffering from the crowd ... here VIDEO" Tangentopoli "The whole story - part 1/2/3/4/5 / 6

Click on image to access the VIDEO

LONDON - The ceremony of dedication Craxi in a square in the town of Monza Liss, jumped to the complaints of a hundred people with a lot of throwing of coins and cries of "shame." The group of socialists led by Stefania Craxi and the deputy mayor of Liss Gabriele Volpe, was forced to move so quickly, escorted by the police in the nearby Palazzo Terragni where he had scheduled the second part of the ceremony. Many flags of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the square signs and protesting against Craxi.

The two plates have been modified adhesive with a sign that called the space Sandro Pertini 'President of the Italians. " On one of the walls of neighboring buildings appeared even the word "thief" in red letters. The protests have been branded as "polemicuzze 'former Socialist mayor of Milan, Paolo Pillitteri, who added: "Cconta only thing is the figure of Craxi, a person who is in history. Everything else is just polemicuzze. "Do not make me neither hot nor cold - said Stefania Craxi -. They have no moral authority, politics and grammar to express about my father. "

"I trust that we place in the spring Craxi in Milan. I am sure that Mayor Moratti will find a way to fulfill their promise, "added the daughter of the former Socialist leader, convinced that the example of Liss will not remain isolated. Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs said he was not surprised that the proposal for a plaza dedicated Craxi is coming from a mayor League (Ambrose Fossati, who was absent because busy out of town), a movement that in the years of the Clean Hands challenged the then leader of the carnation. "It's true the league in those years was in the square to" vusare ", as they say in Milan, but there is a difference between those who operate the place and the prosecution. Then they are connected by two parliamentary deputies of jurists who have always shown respect for me and for my father. "



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