Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Neutral Wall Color With Cherry Floor

Micro Stories Survivors of Dogs: Before and After


" The study of animal shows that mammals, especially primates, are neither murderers nor torturers. So the ' Man differs from animals because it's murderess, is the only primate that kills and tortures members of his species. "

immaginicomprendono The two distinct phases of release.
The first talk about the plight of prisoners, their state of neglect, diseases that consume them in certain cases, nobody took care of them, while others wandered in the suburbs indifference dragging stray in a slow agony of starvation and exhaustion and even more atrocious devoured by the feeling of abandonment.
Others were waiting for the "compassionate" euthanasia, you will see these photos in less dramatic cases, in order not to shock people more sensitive ... The cages, their state, a clear sense of their own psychological problems, a horror that sometimes repugnant if they had met the caresses you would be denied to those dull eyes.

The next moment: in these images moving, moving, resurrection, unexpected joy for ex-prisoners, orphans, the sick healed, the serenity and the joy of the game almost one thousand years had passed from the first images, since the liberation, the survivors are, prisons, abandonment, illness, man to regain the social man, not speciesist ...
moved by their looks, the joy overflows and contagious spirit of the observer and not leaves him indifferent ...
" Yes, a lost dog is the saddest thing that can meet the gaze of a person who understands and loves animals "
; AP Terhune.

Click image for full access to the photo gallery about 60 pictures ....


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