Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Un-remove Posts On Facebook

Speech January 19, 2011

Just today, three years ago, was born on my blog, but only one year I decided to open it to all the arguments. From 2008 to 2010 I worked on disability, taking a cue from my experience I gave to the readers, at least I tried to give information, direct experience of disability. I launched a blog where comedian joked about my problems, I was joking protesting against the ignorance of some people who still think to keep locked up, hidden disabilities as if they were bad projects come, I wrote of architectural barriers, schools, etc..
Then thanks to a person whom I met on my journey, I knew I had to open my horizons, I had to express my thoughts on other topics, and so in 2010 I started to talk about social issues. I
say that it was the turning point, I wondered about my political thought based on my ideas has been the ruin of me, when I came to connect the dots and compare them with a collective thought, was my downfall, but also my greatest conquest.
One of my expectations was to create a family, a big family where we discuss the theories and they share more. It seems to me that this is happening and I think we could become even bigger, it is never finished the expansion of the family yourself and let us know you can get people to other people.
This evening is not just a party, is also a time to get to know each other, I do not know you well, always communicating via email, do not know you all in person.
Finally I thank all of you to follow my blog and for creating this community.


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