Friday, January 28, 2011

Which Countries Are Brownies

Don Giorgio Capitani pilloried as a heretic by Pontifex! First the fire ... they bring us pleasure and a lighter fuel


stock on which the fire burn the heretic Don Giorgio Capitani, match and gasoline introduce it willingly site fundamentalist Taliban Pontifex, Vendola here after the new crusade (actually I have a bit this year; difficult to keep count).
The accusation is that of sacrilege, "if this is a priest " is the article that starts the media lynching that should do all souls white in the one true faith!
Pearl and not merely the site: the election of Blessed Virgin Mary, sorrowful and a pristine site that Santanchè " L 'Mr Santanchè woman from good manners and consistent person, he was joined by a cowardly letter threats and accusations of excessive defense of the Premier ...
Go reported a sense of duty "honesty" of indulgence towards the premier site Pontifex known atheist and a Mason resumed in embarrassing circumstances, read sacrilegious!
A distraction?
Or at worst the site has the privilege of a large donation towards the cost of "Secretariat?"

Trampoline Gym Georgia

work and school ... no, updated school and work

often comes to mind to write a post (even stupid) but now I say " but no, I already wrote about fb, then it becomes boring ... " and immediately I think about it and reaches the " who cares if they are boring, not everyone is on faccialibro!! "
in short this post is dedicated to the Polda;)

School, we are running out, I will argue in February examination on the last level of Sfi .
The exam is divided into two half days.
The first day of the written tests are held. Divided into 4 pieces (Del A, B, C and D) we have:
understanding of the text, in other words "read and answer in 50 minutes";
listening, "listen and answer in 30 minutes";
knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, "and more complete in 50 minutes";
writing, "read the instructions and write a text in 60 minutes."
The second day (E) must hold a discussion with a student in another class on a topic determined by the teacher and then a chat with one teacher. These two tests are recorded so that they can be heard by others in case of doubt on that assessment.
am almost certain that the shares of understanding (and writing) and writing will not be a problem in recent times the teenager a little 'nerd in me has resurfaced for me to do extra homework ... some doubt as to respect my ability to think and speak quickly, "på svenska".
'd better not drink coffee that day, I'm already nervous now;)

job in the month of December, I worked a lot to draw cv and cover letter in Swedish, in a couple of holidays Friends have spent a Sunday afternoon to fix it and give it a shape "than Swedish," after which I started send it around.
And so last week I received my first "telefonintervju" that the phone call as a prelude to the interview itself. I am honest, I was not ready, maybe I could better address a meeting vis-à-vis, but the phone was hard. After the first moments of panic I recovered, I sent David a gesture to another room and then I focused on the call. Do not tell you the effort of brains to understand what was asked of me! In fact, after about 8 minutes, the recruiter (we say it?) Told me clearly that by the time my Swedish was not enough for that specific job, to continue to study and propose my candidacy a little 'more in there.
Oh, it was a big job for SVT1 (the equivalent of Rai1, but without heiresses, letters, coupons and various meteorinas ....) so I do not even expect that my cv to pass the initial screening, we say that the fact that I have already considered a good sign.
But all quiet for the moment remain a part-time baby-sitter:)

Partial Brazilian Vs Brazilian


The Ilda Boccassini is one of the few women who upholds the dignity of female identity in this country, you have my admiration, my deepest and sincere affection, my admiration and finally the whole solidarity that deserves the Milan prosecutor's office for his courage and sense of justice that has been able to express so peaceful civil and indomitable courage.

"It looks fulfill its institutional role with bored nonchalance, tinged with a touch of fatalism, resignation and at the same time with a determination driven by her iron will, that this is the hardening of the new bourgeois heroes Italy comes to this ...? "

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Neutral Wall Color With Cherry Floor

Micro Stories Survivors of Dogs: Before and After


" The study of animal shows that mammals, especially primates, are neither murderers nor torturers. So the ' Man differs from animals because it's murderess, is the only primate that kills and tortures members of his species. "

immaginicomprendono The two distinct phases of release.
The first talk about the plight of prisoners, their state of neglect, diseases that consume them in certain cases, nobody took care of them, while others wandered in the suburbs indifference dragging stray in a slow agony of starvation and exhaustion and even more atrocious devoured by the feeling of abandonment.
Others were waiting for the "compassionate" euthanasia, you will see these photos in less dramatic cases, in order not to shock people more sensitive ... The cages, their state, a clear sense of their own psychological problems, a horror that sometimes repugnant if they had met the caresses you would be denied to those dull eyes.

The next moment: in these images moving, moving, resurrection, unexpected joy for ex-prisoners, orphans, the sick healed, the serenity and the joy of the game almost one thousand years had passed from the first images, since the liberation, the survivors are, prisons, abandonment, illness, man to regain the social man, not speciesist ...
moved by their looks, the joy overflows and contagious spirit of the observer and not leaves him indifferent ...
" Yes, a lost dog is the saddest thing that can meet the gaze of a person who understands and loves animals "
; AP Terhune.

Click image for full access to the photo gallery about 60 pictures ....

Monday, January 24, 2011

Swollen Lymph Nodes Back Of Neck Infants

Petition against youth PDL Minetti! Air directed into the base of the house of freedom! WHAT TO WATCH

attend and join this revolt of the youth of the PDL, which ever comes a bit of salt in addition to the sense of doubt on their unfading Deus!

100cosecosi invites you to sign in any way.

Sign the petition for the resignation of Judge Sara Minetti launched by the youth of the PDL (... you got it: PDL)

From now on our anti-gathering signatures Nicole Minetti converges with [the petition] (listen, listen, and do not be surprised) launched by the young people of the PDL. You got it: PDL: the Freedom Party. These young people have launched a petition similar to ours, for the expulsion of Minetti. I think they deserve all our support, precisely because they are critical voices within the party of Bunga Bunga. I invite you to vote for the resignation of the Minetti, but on the petition launched by the young people of the PDL.

N-Minetti "We the youth of the PDL disgusted: Against Minetti thousands of signatures 'resignation Minetti''We have already' collected thousands of signatures,''even''young people who are fed up, want to leave Italy because they feel disgusted by what 'is happening, they wonder what to do if you study then there is only room for Minetti''.

To say Sara Judge, Councillor of the area of \u200b\u200bthe PDL, which has launched a signature campaign for the resignation of regional Nicole Minetti, a collection that now you can 'participate on http://www.firmiamo .com / dimissioninicoleminetti / signature. ''If the real youth of the PDL are as Minetti, our presence in the party is incompatible,''said the twenty-five in an interview to La Repubblica. I enrolled in''Forza Italy when I was 18 because I believe in certain values \u200b\u200b- tells -. I did my thesis on Berlusconi, Did I also donated. Continue to believe in these values \u200b\u200bregardless of what the party and make choices that will make the people who lead it. I warrant that accuse me of justicialism take refuge in the shortcut you have to wait for the proceedings of the trial, but the question I ask myself is not to ensure it is of political ethics.

A true politician knows how to bring up young people around him to secure a future for his project.'' The President of Lombardia Roberto Formigoni I think that once claimed to respond to the electorate and Catholic Communion and Liberation. It has nothing to say about the facts that are emerging? I thought he believed in certain values. Evidently he changed his mind.''


SOME QUESTIONS TO BE JUDGE: We have linked his petition, passing in front of that open to us, because we are convinced that the PDL do more harm signatures requested by representatives of the organic PDL, starting not fed up (finally!), which collected signatures from among Communists Communists.

Yet the fact that we decided to advertise his collection of signatures, not exempt from them a few questions:

-1) Why, unable to bear more of this bad habit, instead of thinking to leave Italy, not plan to leave the party of the late Cuffaro, and that is Dell'Utri, Berlusconi, Formigoni, Gasparri, and many other great names of Italian politics?

-2) was needed of the "case Minetti," to wake up? Noemi cases, Tarantini, D'Addario, Ronzulli Di Girolamo, an attempt to bring to Europe a dozen chicks (fortunately naufragatto for internal resistance), which already "somministrtava" an accelerated course of "political force", given by professors of the caliber of Bondi, Frattini and Brunetta, had awakened the conscience of anyone? E Gelmini & Carfagna ministers are normal? From normal country?

-3) She did her thesis on Berlusconi. It would be superfluous if she put online in pdf or word format. I promise that I'd read it in one go, and I would give the widest possible dissemination. It would be an interesting case study to understand what a young girl wrote to Silvio Berlusconi. At 18 you can have an alibi. At 25, and after collecting ample material for his thesis, NO. Or was documented only sio TG of Faith, the book "A History Italiam", edited by Sandro Bondi, and the writings of Fabrizio Cicchitto?

-4) If your ethical rethinking about "values" of the first Forza Italy, and Berlusconi in general now, he was sincere, it should not consistently out of the PDL? Did it?

-5) decided to start a petition for the resignation of Berlusconi, inventor, CEO and head of the first Berlusconi?

I look forward to his thesis, which give the widest possible dissemination. Contiunuerò to maintain the support of their petition, because I am convinced that those signatures coming from the backyard to do more harm than those collected from the left, but all remain my questions. Tafanus

Fake Receipt For An Abortion


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Can You Get Herpes From A Jockstrap?

Video: Protests in Brianza to square Craxi: escape, throwing coins and organizers of the run Liss A ceremony interrupted, the plates covered with the name of Pertini. Stefania Craxi: soon a square in Milan

" not a plaque, not a street, not a road, not a square, anything that bears the name of Craxi must pass through indifference, no distractions, no one has distracted, keep vigilant and to reiterate the truth established by the courts, by history and by the Italian parliament, Craxi was and is a criminal! One of the main proponents of the system Italy, which has corrupted the last thirty years, here or below you can find the video of the flight and Stefania Craxi " aggression "suffering from the crowd ... here VIDEO" Tangentopoli "The whole story - part 1/2/3/4/5 / 6

Click on image to access the VIDEO

LONDON - The ceremony of dedication Craxi in a square in the town of Monza Liss, jumped to the complaints of a hundred people with a lot of throwing of coins and cries of "shame." The group of socialists led by Stefania Craxi and the deputy mayor of Liss Gabriele Volpe, was forced to move so quickly, escorted by the police in the nearby Palazzo Terragni where he had scheduled the second part of the ceremony. Many flags of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the square signs and protesting against Craxi.

The two plates have been modified adhesive with a sign that called the space Sandro Pertini 'President of the Italians. " On one of the walls of neighboring buildings appeared even the word "thief" in red letters. The protests have been branded as "polemicuzze 'former Socialist mayor of Milan, Paolo Pillitteri, who added: "Cconta only thing is the figure of Craxi, a person who is in history. Everything else is just polemicuzze. "Do not make me neither hot nor cold - said Stefania Craxi -. They have no moral authority, politics and grammar to express about my father. "

"I trust that we place in the spring Craxi in Milan. I am sure that Mayor Moratti will find a way to fulfill their promise, "added the daughter of the former Socialist leader, convinced that the example of Liss will not remain isolated. Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs said he was not surprised that the proposal for a plaza dedicated Craxi is coming from a mayor League (Ambrose Fossati, who was absent because busy out of town), a movement that in the years of the Clean Hands challenged the then leader of the carnation. "It's true the league in those years was in the square to" vusare ", as they say in Milan, but there is a difference between those who operate the place and the prosecution. Then they are connected by two parliamentary deputies of jurists who have always shown respect for me and for my father. "


Friday, January 21, 2011

Men Who Are Unorganized

Berlusconi: "Cops violent girls Via Olgettina. Police in revolt: "Tunisia is more democratic," he confessed

100cosecosi : When he said "the police brutality "in the message to the Italian" almost fall off the chair, the gall!
I came immediately to mind images of Stefano Cucchi reduced as we lay on the morgue table (...) he and several others and I thought about how to say, this new "interest" to the city, toward the towns, humiliated by strip-searching on which evidently wanted to have a complete monopoly makes her "honor" and welcome the protest forces order even if a bit late and a bit tinged with resentment since we are asked "how do ...." while they are lying to the guard at the entrances have been a fashion show for nymphets sauce Manga stigmatize all over the world!

"Poor girls abused, mocked, forced to strip during searches carried out with utter contempt for the dignity of their person" .

So by applying to all Italians, Mr Berlusconi had told the girls Via Olgettina. And who were the maltrattori, the mocker, the violators of the dignity according to the head of the government? The cops. Seen, heard and meditated upon, the police have not swallowed. Indeed they rebelled and asked something very much like a public apology. The anger of the policemen exploded the day before yesterday (Wednesday, ndr), when the content of the video message is passed by Berlusconi's television and bounced on the internet. Harsh reactions that perhaps, in content, have no basis for comparison in the history of Italy. A revolt nervous that took the form of such an open letter to Prime Minister signed by Lorraine Spina, vice secretary of the officials that said they were "humiliated". And then the "distress and embarrassment" Nicola Tanzi, the secretary of the Wis. And the protest Claudio Giardullo Silp the CGIL.
And again: "In the face nth offended the dignity of a civilized country, we can only comment that if Italy is reduced to a state where a group of deputies is behaving like a crazy cult that considers the Chief of Police a servant, to the point to expect trample the law to submit to the will of the prime minister, then you should leave the country of Tunisia in the last few hours, which is certainly more democratic, "this is the position taken by the Franco Maccari Coisp. Police unions and associations of left and right that there are a "cash silence" in which the reconstruction of the premier girls Via Olgettina are "good" and the cops the bad guys.
But what he said so upsetting the Prime Minister, a man not new to say indelicate utterances, in his video message? Obviously the theme is the case with Ruby and in particular the searches that involved the girls involved. Berlusconi, in his message, he spoke of a deployment of forces and mighty men, "the operation was carried out with a deployment of at least 150 men." At least on this point, the Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, who had an urgent meeting with the Prime Minister on the evening of the day of broadcast of the offending message, he tried putting a piece stating that not 150 but 50 men is Treaty.
Considering that the searches undertaken were 14, 13 and 1 in Lombardy in Campania, and doing a quick math, it appears that three were committed, at most four men for each search, a number that profane eye everything appears except upsetting. More disturbing is the ignorance of the reconstruction or incongruous facts by the premier.
But the "netting" made by Maroni, who has stood at the head of government of the discontent of the police was not enough. Primarily because the police claim a denial, or at least a change of course by the Berlusconi and, secundis in, because the gap bolder, and more contested, the video message is another. "The searches were carried out with utter contempt for the dignity of their person," defining the steps in "irregular and violent, unworthy of a state of law which can not remain without an adequate response" and listing the abuse that the girls would suffer "abused, mocked, forced to undress, bodily searched."
Now, less than everyone has to be stopped occasionally for a check, perhaps in the car, police said. All of us were then asked to sign the record that we were challenged to confirm that what was written by officers responding to the truth. Well, in the minutes signed by the girls, there is no trace of these procedures and even the lawyers of the aforementioned girls have contested these allegations of abuse to which one of two things: either agents are obliged by force the girls to sign false reports and their lawyers are so incompetent and naive not to protect their clients, or inventing Berlusconi mind that there are no facts and unfairly accusing the police of using methods that are practiced only in the worst dictatorships (and usually against opposition politicians and not the friends of the premier).
This The crux of the matter and the point that has infuriated officials in their statements that showed in no uncertain terms, all their anger, "the importance and sensitivity of the functions that, with personal and family sacrifice, every day we are called to play, to protect the individual and collective security (for even more of you), almost always in the total absence of due recognition of the constant efforts, the results of which too often unjustifiably, takes possession, "reads the text of an open letter Deputy Prime Minister sent to the Police Officers Association, which continues "learned that, during some of the private parties held at Villa San Martino, young entertainers, apparently most beloved of those present, were also made to disguise cop shows what is the consideration that the Chairman of the exhibition reserved to members of the police, particularly if sex feminine. "

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Homemade Boxing Or Mma Gyms


Enjoy the fun of a young player, Ruby refit the famous video, leaving a hilarious show that contrasts effectively Mediaset counteroffensive against the "lies" by the prosecution to Milan!

How To Un-remove Posts On Facebook

Speech January 19, 2011

Just today, three years ago, was born on my blog, but only one year I decided to open it to all the arguments. From 2008 to 2010 I worked on disability, taking a cue from my experience I gave to the readers, at least I tried to give information, direct experience of disability. I launched a blog where comedian joked about my problems, I was joking protesting against the ignorance of some people who still think to keep locked up, hidden disabilities as if they were bad projects come, I wrote of architectural barriers, schools, etc..
Then thanks to a person whom I met on my journey, I knew I had to open my horizons, I had to express my thoughts on other topics, and so in 2010 I started to talk about social issues. I
say that it was the turning point, I wondered about my political thought based on my ideas has been the ruin of me, when I came to connect the dots and compare them with a collective thought, was my downfall, but also my greatest conquest.
One of my expectations was to create a family, a big family where we discuss the theories and they share more. It seems to me that this is happening and I think we could become even bigger, it is never finished the expansion of the family yourself and let us know you can get people to other people.
This evening is not just a party, is also a time to get to know each other, I do not know you well, always communicating via email, do not know you all in person.
Finally I thank all of you to follow my blog and for creating this community.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Very Funny Save The Date


Towards the end of November Elisa found Hemglassbilen . Good Mauro explains here what it is and makes you feel the evil jingle now hovering around the house.
Well we saw it up close!

As you can see is not a legend. There is a lot of man and committed to customer choice of ice cream, and gentlemen: it's true!
And do not be fooled by the lack of snow that has melted in the whole week, the photo is right now, made under the house.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Something To Write In A Card For Boss B Day

"They are a bit sheepish ..."


Click image for full access to the photo gallery

''14''very handsome girls, some of them are names, hosted Arcore and then rewarded with a lot of money''and''Two apartments in Milan, Berlusconi would have given them,''on loan to use, read on .... .''

Ruby interview video "... until it becomes so little whores whores trespassing in purity of the water!"

CLICK the image to access the complete photo gallery of famous faces of 14 girls quoted: Iris Berardi, Barbara Fagg, Barbara Guerra, Raissa Skorkina, Miriam Loddo, Eleonora Imma De Vivo, Maristel Garcia Polanco and Alessandra Sorcinelli

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pilladas En La Calle Sara Gratis

IGNATIUS RUSSIA AND THE POSTING OF SANREMO in Afghanistan "Operation Petticoat"


Festival di Sanremo 2011 (trash / pop trash that can not be more) would take away from ' Afghanistan.
you imagine the media return gossiparo? Dagospia unleashed ? News 2000, which passed out the trip, Cinecittà mobilized for the sets? Bruno Vespa that has the plastic of the event? Emilio Fede, who dreams of distributing medals and ends at hands or pat on the back of the special envoys of death ...? Minzolini with the helmet and a helpful Afghan turban that holds the Martini ...?
Milan free to "interview" behind the scenes while embracing affectionately Minzolini Emilio Fede ...?
According to the newspaper Il Secolo XIX , in fact, the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa had seen fit to "send to front" Gianni Morandi, Belen Rodriguez and Elizabeth Hurley ...
Consideration surreal grotesque: the Americans can not wait to get out to the ball but there is a Sanremo, such a George Clooney (who does not understand war movies and shit has not even Speilberg ... ) and send us the bride ... in Afghanistan!
Here Ignatius wanted to make a media coup "universal", surprised the Americans .. those Litle Italy!
on Facebook in the blogosphere and there are those who think differently ... in Afghans would send his son Geronimo and friends ...
" As long as war is regarded as a bad thing, will retain its charm. When it is considered vulgar, it will cease to be popular. " Ignatius seems to do his best to reverse the aphorism of the Oscar Wilde !
Not the slightest doubt that our Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa is often to the movies, I have almost the certainty, even inspired enough to evoke much Apocalypse Now by Francis Ford Coppola and the 1979 novel by Joseph Conrad: "Au cœur des ténèbres" (Heart of Darkness) In the film there remember the sculettano and starlets dancing in front of the vast audience of Marines ... Saving Silverman?
He had the same idea, that Coppola has perhaps copied by Ignazio La Russa or not well grasped the metaphor (...) The photo below you says a lot about that famous show all in all "civilized" way ironic, surreal if you think that the Japanese after the invasion of "civilizing" of China enslaved hundred thousand or more women defined "comfort" making it available to the occupying forces in the brothels of war ( ...) the litigation is pending.
And if I remember correctly, and Ignazio the right have always had a certain sympathy for (...) brothels or houses closed, I assume is the Afghan way of luxury, Japanese films around to inspire not there if you exception for "L ' Realm of the Senses " a 1976 film written and directed by Nagisa Oshima, based on a famous episode of the news happened in Japan in the thirties.
(stuff that can not inspire some, indeed, if anything ammoscia him ...)

The irony the thing is that back then I remember that Jane Fonda performs her solidarity with the Vietcong (...) and now see a patriotic Morandi in Afghanistan ... "There was a guy like me who loved Vasco Rossi and Eros, and then ended up making war in Afghanistan " well I was a bit surreal if not pathetic, Belen (somewhere he had to slam after the recent flop), then do not talk about "bread and circuses" for the troops to look and not touch, while in the corridors of power in the homeland is established Toccata gets wild orgy.
" Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom " will emerge with its torrid atmosphere decadent ... Who knows if our soldiers are there certain our "bad" bad press gossipara.
I joking aside, the trio more than our "Seventh Cavalry" he would say ... well other requests related to equipment (...) not by girls, you are going to think?!
The initiative was planned for Jan. 6 (the date then I get the irony ...) it seems the Christmas afternoon at the National Association of Combatants (1965) with the distribution of gifts to needy children!
What would demoralize the troops by the Taliban those bad, because thank them and the gift with much sarcasm, maccabro we do them, we kill a good guy and everything turned upside down!
Poor Ignatius for a time one of his ideas can be defined .. Cult!
said Otto von Bismarck " War is too serious to be left to the military. ... " but La Russa does not have entrusted it to it seems to me a great deal!

* Note: For copyright see my article "experts or" branch
Profilo swa swa 9167 .

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Gardening Company Slogans


Mestre. Shadowed women in fur
action of "100% animal rights" in the square

The militants have chased women, especially older, holding protest signs: "Ignorance does not remove the smell"

MESTRE (January 9) - Lord fur chase through the streets of central Mestre by young people holding signs with messages written obvious anti-fur . This would be a "mosquito ," so named by the promoters, the militants of "100% animal " , which is a constant pricking contiue and those who have decided to wear the offending garment.
Women, especially older ones came out on Saturday afternoon wearing fur, they found themselves in hot pursuit of the militants, armed with signs that left no doubt about their opinion about the stalking shrugs: "Stop the fur "" ignorance does not remove the smell .
According to the militants, protesters were still in silence without speaking or responding to protests and insults. Some women change direction or take shelter in shops, others tried to apologize ("I've got many years "...)".


How Many Electric Cars Were Produced In 2009

Greece 2010: Day 18: Reintroduction to Athens (a good long day) ...

Project Greece 2010: Day 18: Reintroduction to Athens (a good long day) ... : "We are Officially back in Athens, back in action, without Any clue how the day Would go. Some interesting Athenians AGREED to meet up: a pi ..."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Fix A Dripping Mono Mixer Tap

Water falls from the sky

was a bit 'I had in mind to write a text on Baptism, is a living history a few years ago. I will not criticize anyone, I want to say that we should not baptize children.
I instead tell the situation seen from the non-believer.

I see an altar, I see a child,
the cold water makes a mark on the forehead,
rain water to form a cross, rain water in the form of a sacrament,
all applaud, applaud her grandmother, uncle, - his cousin, brother, and finally there is me,
hands flying in the hope that the child makes a gesture of rebellion,
hoping someone will come in and prevent the baptism.

All photos are made, everyone is happy
on the third bench inlaid wood I'm there,
a relative, the more gruff, the less there is a Catholic,
my disagreement can be seen, they pretend to do not see it, I pretend not to have
I think about my football team to stop the impulse to stop all the time the priest
godmother godfather, the father of that child,
pen rests on sheet paper and spit ink
is made from now that child has no escape,
catechism six years, eight years will taste the body of Christ,
confirmation and ten years later,
demand will fall on parents,
and I'll be there sitting on a chair and watch him get his life.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Can You Have A Pet Platypus In Tn

TREVISO terrorist attacks on the CRIB


For President of the Province Leonardo Muraro there is no doubt in four quatrotto and he closed the investigation (...) between the thugs were Moroccans, perhaps the "tourists" arrived express them on a suicide mission, there it is hysterical that breaks out in anguish, base so that the fear, the feeling you install well-thought of her going limp in his province (..) the anxiety of Islam touches the souls and hearts of his countrymen, not the true par to win with so little chopped despicable visibility in the press and some returning election because he "did not mean to send! The nightmare of a real attack with dead and wounded in tatters is a dream for him, allow him to do quite a pogrom, as it were a clean sweep!
hypocrite and fake as it looks good for now by picking on the Italians of the Nativity impippano it totally (I) not so much because without the sentimental memories of a childhood, but because other disgusted, horrified by the use that innorridiscono is made to use words that embraces its incitement to racial hatred!

Skilled in rhetorical fallacies limelight contempt fanning anti-foreigner resentment, takes a pretext for an act of hooliganism vulgar play in terms of hate campaign.

Treviso. Vandals against crib, Muraro:
Moroccan offend Christian symbol

According to residents of foreign students it was drunk. The president of the province makes the parallel with the attack in Egypt.

(the TREVISO (January 2) - Acts of vandalism was made two nights ago in San Marco Caerano against the silhouette of St. Joseph of the crib by a group of local boys, mostly drunk. According to the tale told by some residents who have tried to stop the vandals were mostly Moroccans.

'In Caerano - noted in a statement Province President Leonardo Muraro - is an act of vandalism and as such must be condemned. But do not forget that it is also and above all a deliberate offense to a symbol of the Western Christian world , in the period in which it celebrates. This is also the failure of certain logic in the name of the integration do-gooders who leave to run under the eyes of certain events without a word, or take the necessary measures. And once again, as in the case of some citizens of San Marco Caerano rushed to the streets against the blasphemers vandals, it is always the people who reported however, attention to the real sense. It must respect the culture of your host. In general, I wonder, is it not that we are lowering our guard too? ".

The president of the province observes: "Some documents - such as firecrackers thrown at the local crèche in the same day it is a bomb exploded in front of a Christian church in Egypt - I do think that maybe, even in our house, still being cultivated hatreds, resentments that flow easily into acts of violence. In the case of Caerano San Marco, fortunately, not harmful to individuals, but certainly a representative symbol of a community. I can then ask the institutions, primarily the Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, of not let our guard down, and indeed intensify the necessary controls required because they do not get to "cry" unexpectedly, after a few episodes much more serious that I hope never happens. "

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Free Full Salieri Vids


"He has committed the four murders," say the defenders of the former Pac: So why run away from Italy? And if he was to make the armed guard while others killed, why should not be condemned? Here are the reasons of the innocence of Baptists, read on ....

Remember Berlusconi? "Lula and I are made in the same way." What do we do with Baptists, "pardoned" by President of Brazil?

"Lula and I are made in the same way." And now what do we do? Silvio Berlusconi met President Lula recently, will also discuss Battisti, of course, and eventually the prime minister came out with a phrase that is part of his repertoire, one that proclaims the assonance, the perfect identity of views, the deep mutual consideration. If they were made the same way, "Lula should have granted the extradition to the terrorist convicted of four murders and sentenced to as many life sentences by the Italian courts.

Certainly, the fact of being made the same way does not imply the need to feel the same way, but consideration is demanding, requires a feeling that at the right time proves to be a happy occasion. It is not true.
Berlusconi's art to please her partner can become a powerful boomerang. The Prime Minister has accustomed us to trust in the success of its attractions, in the goodness of flattery, in foreign policy made of backslapping, friendship, recognition of the value of the character just met, read on ....

Urinating Lots And Pain In Lower Abdomen

I wrote "Toc Toc ..." and I spout ignorant and terrorist!

Toc Toc ... someone explain to me why we have not declared war against Tunisia when he refused the extradition of Craxi??

What?? a title that does justice to those who defend a murderer??
really do not understand this thinking ... I'd like to understand better, if possible without unnecessary poisons.

Tunisia was a great friend of Craxi and Di Pietro, who was refused and blackmailed Craxi in the sense that it would arrest if he returned in Italy. Craxi was a sick man and he wanted to be treated and die in his homeland and Peter denied him that.
Tunisia opposed the Craxi to protect and avoid jail.
if you go to Tunisia, you will find the home of Craxi, close to that of the President of Tunisia.
Abba a bit of culture you would not hurt.

Battisti is protected by lula left .. and it's a snub that made us.
defend a person like that Battisti was convicted of his murder and remember that the entire Italian political agrees with his return to Italy to say, take the side of terrorism and here, too many people take sides in that direction and it is very worrying.

In spite of what you think and votarmi red

1 Craxi was one of the last Italian statesmen, together with Giulio Andreotti, after them I do not think that there were other even if someone says otherwise. .. (Note: Berlinguer, Pertini, etc Amendola, ectoplasm, ghosts ...)

2 - In the case of Craxi tangentopoli remember the speech in parliament and local mind is made mainly on the theory of Rene Girard's scapegoat (a Ripa di Meana beginning & Co.);

3 - Craxi I understand that you have never killed anyone;

I think Craxi was right to retire in Tunisia, given the climate of persecution brought against him and since the evil was pretty common to 360 degrees. (Editor's Note: "everything is a trouble shared is joy?")

Furthermore, compared to a time now, I think, at least what I read from the case record that there are more personal and private interests partisan interests. After not know if it's more deprorevole corruption of personal interest for personal interest.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Message From Couple Wedding Program

TOC TOC ... someone explain to me WHY DO NOT WE HAVE DECLARED WAR ON TUNISIA when he refused to extradite Craxi??

Those who ask aloud Battisti's extradition from Brazil today, asked aloud Craxi's extradition from Tunisia?

These days we are bombarded with news of Brazil's refusal to grant the extradition of Battisti , everything is a rip off your clothes, as if it did not already know from a piece what were the decisions that would take Brazil's Lula!
From the beginning the Italian Government knew that Lula would never extradite Battisti. For what, now, complaints, protests and tears of crocodile? Seems fair hypocrisy. Who knows, maybe enough to have an authoritative government to convince the Brazilian president who political refugee status does not befit a former Italian terrorist ... (Say Fregonara Meli and Corriere dela evening) and then I can can further hypocrisy knows so much about another attempt to raise a fuss when dragging certain to be able to discredit the left eye of "moderates" who are or form the core of "home of all freedom."

Berlusconi: " horrible person, there is "
But he is forced to reverse ... "I and Lula are made in the same way, we understand the fly "
read on ....

I do care to recall a detail escaped perhaps distraction to them now screaming, from Russia that threatened to invade Brazil's statements appear (...) expect Gasparri bomb ... or flyers as they did in Afghanistan , at the time, they have clamored for the extradition of Craxi to Tunisia? They threatened the government in retaliation?

ildecennale After the death of Craxi. Now recognized by almost all Italian politicians and the pdl pd (minus ell) as a great Italian statesman and politician, who died "poor" in exile in his luxurious villa in Hammamet, without revealing where he had hidden the loot.
Strange ... and I that I remembered him as being responsible - that is unique in Europe and the world - the right hand comes to a socialist party and its subsequent disappearance, the DC co-responsible with the immense imbalance of our budget country, creator of the monster "business" by Berlusconi's Mediaset and rescue several little help, tangentaro ("but at the end of that time were not all?" justify his admirers), and finally in hiding abroad because autoritenutosi above laws and judgments.
We like to be remembered as the movie below. One of the higher levels of civic awareness in this country, now permanently gone.

Caffeine In No Sugar Added Hot Chocolate


Christmas with mustache! Happy 2011!
New Year in Stockholm, the first one. Not bad, especially for snowfall in a couple of hours of fully bleached (again) the city. About ten cm in the center, someone more in Bromma where we were for dinner.
Dinner Italian-Swedish. Three Italians, four Swedes, most Emil 50e50 which, though Swedish and Italian origin is now fully hear him say "Crikey" in the middle of a discussion is always a fun ...
reckless After dinner we decided to tackle the snow to see the fireworks downtown. Here are the heroes :
We were able to see the fireworks and the crowd despite the snow. Unfortunately, not everyone, because the show includes the entire city, while stationed in Katarinavägen we could not see well and Djurgården Gamla Stan.
The fireworks went on for almost an hour, and we went home just before I become a snögubbe: )