Friday, December 31, 2010

Inserting Images Into Autocad Lt

things to learn

Less than 5 months ... And they are not yet fully entered into the true Swedish daily, we understand the fact that I have not yet assimilated the hours of Systembolaget.
I left after lunch (big mistake !!!!) to refuel their bottles and they closed the door in my face ...
makes perfect!
Next time I will remember to shop in the morning.
Meanwhile Buonanno at all, tonight I dedicate a toast to the taste of super BirraMoretti:)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wording For Parents Thank You Card

Christmas gifts

I know that some, more fortunate than us, this Christmas have even received the package unavailable Superpack 3in1 ...
We have had to settle for something smaller and cheaper.
But now Luke's Landspeeder is proudly displayed on a shelf next to the sofa (loooong top to prevent incursions feline).
* The desert environment of the photo shoot was kindly offered by our dining table

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pain Behind Bellybutton After C Section

Vaffan ... Christmas! The Challenge of Families

It is said that Christmas is truly a celebration for all, eh? I remember well certain Christmas when all they had children or expecting children, except myself. I remember another, awesome, that was the last of the past with my ex-husband. Alessandra she has her Christmases be deleted from the calendar. In short, we thought that if you are happy and happy and joyous, ovunnque find space to express your joy, also consuming a credit card in shops around. But if you want to say a nice vaffa at parties, you can do here. Here we remember everyone, not just those in which all is well.
But here we also want to say that a year is Christmas again, and who knows ...

With infinite love, Happy Birthday!
Blanche and Alessandra
Image: Simon Howden /

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Catch Impetigo From Dogs

December 22 - the last day of school

Today in class we organized a party for our last day of school. A Christmas party a bit 'alternative. Forget also pandori, panettone and nougat with almonds ...
addition to coffee, tea, fresh fruit and julmust our table included:
Iranian sweets with almonds, and
kannelbullar papparkakor svedesissimi, pancakes
biscuits Jordanians, Poles and Russians,
un'italianissima chocolate cake, apple dumplings
croissants and cook from Iraq. Some

, dedicated just to the kitchen, had the task of dealing with the music ... we found a way to celebrate our Christmas with traditional songs multisaporito Indian and Lebanese.
Unusual, at least for me, but fun!

Tomorrow we leave for Italy, only three days, however, by Monday we should already have returned to the North. I wish I could meet and greet so many people (friends, menoamici and various boyfriends), but I know it will be impossible.
For all, however

Monday, December 20, 2010

Labeling Parts Of Ships

The new families, reconstituted or mixed, are becoming more popular in our country, but unfortunately there is still no statutory provision that the regulations, nor a corollary of rules and social customs that appeal.

The new families are "sun" and without reference points for success should be based only on common sense.

The family is a challenge that has reconstituted itself in great difficulty (the weight of previous failure, often unresolved tensions with former partner, the children of first marriage, sons of a second, children of the new partners, often impoverished economy) but also the advantage of being highly motivated not to fail, ready to get back into the game, to change and build something new.

The strength and challenge of the new born from the desire to start families, the change and the ability to be able to listen and mediate the needs and suffering of all.

But from the beginning. After the separation with all the baggage of pain, anger and disappointment you pass a period in which we reorganized and collect the pieces, we find a certain stability, a new inner balance and it will reinforce the new habits.

The children in the early days have been passive spectators of a breakup is often not desired, finally begin to accept the situation and think to themselves, without worrying parents or what's going on.

It takes about three years to deal with the grief of separation and be ready for new emotional ties. Time apparently is shortened if
during the crisis of the couple has already begun to emotional detachment from the partner, but if this is valid for adults not for children who are beginning their process of mourning after parents were effectively separated.

Time has passed and returns the will to live, to start again and design a new family, is the phase in which the fantastic imagination of the future and the family that might be.

But back down to earth should allow time for the children and the new partner to learn to "sniff" a little '. Children need to understand that their place will not be affected by the new partner and that no one will replace their parents. It takes time also to cement the couple well before facing the difficulties of the construction of the extended family.

The fantastic stage where the design of the new family is exciting and frightening at the same time, the dreams of the extended family type "Cesaroni" fit doubts and fears, but the desire to have the best start ... and we are ready to actually form the new family.

it! Now we live together but what a mess! Fear and joy at the same time. You must negotiate the new family habits, and merge them to adapt to the previous ones, each will try to impose one's own and this will inevitably create friction, it can happen to feel inadequate and unprepared. Organize your time of life, give the spaces of home, the roles and duties of each.

To overcome this first stage should be a lot of patience, great listening skills and acceptance, must enjoy and give the chance to miss. To better address this is well set rules of family: a few, clear and well reasoned.

you thought the worst was over? Not so now we enter the eye the cyclone. It 's time of crisis in which appear the first contrast, the children acquired a tough test with attitudes of competition and rivalry, sometimes even among adults (between biological parent and acquired). What to do? Avoid competition and enhance, and redefine the rules in the light of family bargaining and explanations.

finally overcome the initial hurdles to get to the stage of stability in which family roles have been assigned, he begins his way to a first sense of family identity. Compare the sense of "us", they make their way to early memories, new family habits that strengthen the family even more.

Ok we have, it's almost done ...! Now we need a little more step. Within us is becoming more apparent detachment from the immediate family and there is a commitment because the new extended family to survive the inevitable adjustments all internal and not just their curiosity, sometimes a bit 'disbelief, of others.

Finally it feels a family, everything works more or less normally ... but above all think about peace and tranquility? Surprise! There comes a new baby and the balance must be won with such difficulty for new rearrangement, we start again.

the extended family needs commitment, patience and a lot of ability to accept diversity and complexity of the relationship is an exciting challenge, the daughter of our time that we constantly test the different from us.

Alessandra Grimoldi - Family Mediator and Counselor

Image: jscreationzs /

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Which Is Cleaner Dog Or Man


In Genoa we are used to read it.
Unfortunately from now on it will work even on both blogs. I'm sorry because I preferred to trust those comments, especially from friends, but the situation was becoming unpleasant.
mind you:)

Writing A Recall Letter For Dentist

This is Emilio Fede

Published on Tg 4 aired last week in which Emilio Fede Comment images of student demonstrations.
The news of the families, they call it.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Colors For 40th Birthday

We have only our time: Part

In October I published an article, which you can read here , importance of a good life time of our lives, because it is the only true wealth that we possess. We also discussed the issue of women little time for themselves in general and mothers in particular. I take the treatment, whereas it approaches the year is new and that time of good intentions ...

Learn to recognize yourself the right to "remove" . If you can not grant this right, you think that your "ex", when it should be to you, it will benefit indirectly to all your loved ones.
're not abandoning them when you need it for trivial reasons and selfish. Are you working to be more happy and nothing is getting better all the family, a mother happy.
Nothing is more beneficial than air you breathe around people happy, but if it is the mother this is even more true.
So your homework, to practice the first step is:
Get your calendar and decide scientifically, theoretically, when and how to carve out time for yourself .
Notify your program to your family. Shown firm and quiet. You can negotiate change, to meet the needs of everyone, but says that does not give up this time. At most, you move it. This
scheduled time for you to be untouchable for the whole family. It will be your launching pad for a concrete improvement of your, or rather of your life, yourself and you be the first to respect it and consider it sacred.
What to do with this time, will be the next article. For now, just worried that it marked on the agenda, what are your space and have informed the family of your decisions. I assure you that this sounds easy, but it is just a step.

If you follow this short course, or you're doing something else with the same purpose, leave a reply to you cheap, and can be helpful to others.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Insurance On Genesis Coupe

Christmas Tree, Christmas tree not!

It 's a question that perhaps many people ask, or have places, in recent times.
For us, the answer is simple and is a "no", for several reasons: the cost, the fact that the house is small and, finally, a reason explained in an exemplary manner ... by Simon Tofield

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mysore Mallige 2010 Scam


My HappyMoment today, try to imagine the scene:

Systembolaget monopoly for the sale of liquor, shelves and shelves of bottles tutt ' around. The sweet cashier
pass my bottle of primitive to the player, looks up, smiles at me and kindly asked me "Can I have a document?"
Please tell me in wishing instead he ran a "Thank you, very kind" smile with the adjacent teeth to 95.
Maybe we could see very, very little, but he doubted a single moment that I had more than twenty years will always be my hero ...

Tack, Linnea!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Is The Name Of The Shape Of Nh4

E 'a dirty job but someone has to do

this article, I blend for the head for some time. I have only now decided to write it and post it as a result of mishaps happened to loved ones, friends and relatives. It may be that some hate me after reading it, someone else instead I thank you. In any case, after reading you'll know exactly what to expect, and if I can save someone a bit 'of my tears will be achieved.

I'm talking about abortion, of course. I will tell you hours of things I learned in my skin, and I wanted someone says to me. We would suffer much less.

The basic concept is this: When you hold a positive pregnancy test, you do not have a baby in her arms. You hold just a plastic stick with two pink stripes, or blue, depending on the circumstances. The road that takes you from your child is still very, very long, so keep your feet on the ground.

I give some figures.

When pregnancy is detected, the possibility that it may stop spontaneously go from 12% when maternal age is around 20 years, up to 40% when maternal age is over 40 years. After 45 years, the risk perdcentuali

reach 50-70%, 80% of abortions take place within 12 weeks of gestation, of whom 36% within the first 8 weeks.

E 'bad to say these things to women seeking a son in old age, but I think it's even more ugly to be convinced to have done, for disinformation, and then be thrown into the abyss from the classic "There's no heartbeat" "The room is empty, an egg is clear." Phrases that doctors often pronounce with a little touch, as is normal for their administration. If you pass, you know that you will never be routine. But if you have not made too many mental movie, feel much better.

Thus, despite the positive test keep our feet on the ground. If you are over 40 years, you have already achieved a good result. You must count a disappointment, and know that at our age is not a remote possibility. A writer has happened four times, but it is also true that the writer has given birth to a beautiful and healthy baby for almost 42 years.

age also gives us broad enough shoulders to bear the disappointments and try again, until we will feel it.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Denise Milani Breast Siz

certainties Swedish

"If it snows means that it's hot! "

Oh well '... I now feel much more peaceful ... : /

Monday, November 29, 2010

Damper For Washing Machine

Elisa and the cake ... That basically


excellent, and because made with the heart that made at heart! How much poetry eh!
I think it is our only surprise of this motion for romance "at Piccardo, in fact, then, panicked, has seen fit to put in place a pen scattered on the table.

AMMOOOOREEE We know that does tricks. A
we did come in a cool, well behind bringing a wild animal, you did that do?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wedding Program Duty -paper -print

What is Family Mediation

The Family Mediation is an effective tool to help couples undergoing separation or divorce, was born and developed several decades ago in the United States, becoming one of the channels normally used in cases of separation and divorce.

is currently widespread in some European countries since 1999 and strongly recommended by the European Community, particularly after the entry into force of Law 54/2006 shared custody, which allows parents to "share" the educational lines for growth raising children in a perspective of both parents. Share in a time when you divide is the contradiction that forces us as parents to find solutions practicable for the sake of our children. The Family Mediation
fits into this scenario as an alternative path to judicial proceedings in which a neutral third party, the Ombudsman, the family offers a separation in time and space to "say things" and develop solutions that take into account the different needs of all its members, particularly children, to help maintain the continuity of family relationships.
The family mediation course provides a short course of meetings held by the family mediator, a professional degree in Psychology or legal persons with special training in post-degree technical management of conflicts. He accompanies the couple
the reorganization of the family and supports the negotiation of agreements, both in terms of economic and relational capital, from communication to the children of the separation policy, education, the time of meeting parents and children, home and family maintenance allowance.
The purpose of the Family Mediation is therefore to reduce and where possible to resolve the conflicts which would enable the couple to reorganize their lives in dealing with the separation less traumatic for him and, especially, for their children.
The agreements reached in mediation can be the basis for a shared action for separation, and in any case encourage a climate change relationship which helps to overcome a difficult moment, but can also be an opportunity for personal growth and parenting.
The Family Mediation is aimed at married couples or couples with or without children who have decided to separate, or that we are thinking, already separated couples wishing to revise or update their agreements and to separate single parent with relationship difficulties with their children.
strong points of strength of family mediation are numerous:
you re-enable communication for positive management of conflicts, and facilitate equitable arrangements so they can shared and experienced by both, stimulates the development of parenting skills and organizational improves interpersonal skills maintaining the link of the children with both parents and their families of origin. Also not to be underestimated, is able to contain the time and cost to ensure absolute confidentiality.

Image: Graur Codrin /

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Yamboo Mapouka Streaming Gratuit

Ideas Fall

You will have noticed that it was a while that I did not write. From October 13th to be exact, for me that I was used to publish new content at least once every five days, a clear symptom of ... Scazzi.
You know I love to speak clearly and the technical term is just that: Scazzi !
However, not even worth to be so much to think about it, because it is passed. I'm back here again in love and ready to put the energy they need. And you, are you ready?
Two ideas.
First, in my projects is expanding the space devoted to other aspects of motherhood at an older age than the overriding themes of fertility and pregnancy. To this end, the site is tightening some collaborations which I hope to give detailed information in the coming days. If all goes well, the staff would enter some figures that I consider high-level consulting. A few more details to fix, and then we will be ready to go. Do not say anything else: will be a surprise!
Then, I am meditating for a long time to open a forum, but here I need to hear your voice.
Managing a forum is one splash infinite, because, knowing me, I would not be able to leave him to himself. I like the forum where those who enter understand where he is, is what we look for and interact with ease. It's not how to say it!
would mean at least another sleepless night a week. To be optimistic ...
So, I need a little push. What you ask is: if the idea of \u200b\u200b forum MammeOver40 you like, let's hear. You can do leaving comments on this post or write me privately, Like many of you have already done so. But the public would prefer to feed a bit of debate, even tell me roughly how you would like. Although, of course, the idea in my head is already there ...
While we are publicly thank all those who have written me expressing confidence and appreciation: it is also thanks to them that are out of the den. I have torn out of hibernation in late summer, but it does nothing, they are forgiven, come on.
I need to feel that what I do need something. I need gas, go. If the idea is good, I see from your reactions in the coming days. Otherwise, it continues and no harm. I embrace


Image: Philip Scalise /

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How To Connect Ballast 400w To Hps

despite the distance, despite the bomb that has just pulled the Flea, despite the cold weather is coming, despite the dark at four in the afternoon, despite the bad news, in spite of our times that these days do not fit a much despite the disaster that is Italy and so on and so forth ...
Well, despite all the while I was making the bed in his underwear I thought that after all I am really happy. Maybe because yesterday we spent a long afternoon together, but more likely because, simply, here we are just fine.

And now off to run, which yesterday I officially my subscription to the marathon!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

18th Birthday Invitation Wording Ideas


tell the truth, will be at least 2 or 3 years since I saw the Tg1. Today I tried it through YouTube. I can do it, I said ... But no, there are successful!
Already the introduction of the journalist made me nervous, came the intervention of Santanchè I gave up ...
How sad!
And 'the only thing I can say ...

/ Elisa

Friday, October 29, 2010

Where To Buy Small Pet Tortoises

Den andra veckan ... The first sighting

. .. the second week.
(I think you write well, but the double determination causes me some problems, if sapientinoDD intervene to correct me)

finally ended the second week of introduction to school.
Monday I will be a real class! I'll have a lärare, a mentor and a "studio-och yrkesvägledare" ... finally!
(the first is the teacher, the other two are similar to the tutor, but I have not yet completely understood the differences between the two roles)
These two weeks were interesting, but most of my classmates did not speak a word of Swedish and / or very little English and then spent the mornings a bit 'slow.
But today I had my brief moment of fame!
Shortly before he left it came one of the teachers in the classroom accompanied by an Italian boy, recently arrived in the north. Had need a couple of questions about the school and program that had just been delivered.
E 'was fun to do pseudo-interpreter:)

/ Elisa

Ps: Saturday we spent a fantastic day with the bloggers Italian-Swedish, super congratulations to the organizers!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fido Sim Message Center

cyclamen I'll have to move house? More dangerous than the snow or the cat?

morning came the snow ... Light light, invisible to the street, but still snow!
Right now the sky is opening and when the sun, the white veil over the rooftops will not come tonight (thankfully) but it was still fun to go out this morning and see people equipped for the climb of Mont Blanc. ..

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rasputin Vodkawhere Can I Buy Some


Finally a race!
L ' Hellasloppet , a 10km a day really wonderful. A large sun (even hot, if we consider that we are at the end of October), little wind and ten thousand feet in the natural reserve Nacka.
I'm training for a while ', particularly in view of the marathon, and I intended to close well below 50'. Instead, the route has proved rather too full of steep climbs. Without specific training means breaking some 'legs. One, after the 5th km , it was really hard and long. Then, when then towards the end I decided to shoot everything I had and seemed to pave the way for good here's another couple of break-salitine rhythm and the omelet is done: 50.30 ... Souvenir medal, but Ugh!
Okay, the road between now and May 28 is long, nothing to worry about!
It 'been fun activity heating collective pre-race trainer that makes you exercise with music (the inevitable waka-waka) surrounded by 200 people who type the following all together, comes out a beautiful choreography.

E 'was a good weekend: Lars (he ran) and Francesca came to us last night for dinner and I stopped to sleep. The official language is among us, mostly, Swedish, and Elisa also has jumped to speak, to my great joy and a certain pride!
's one of those things that we were missing in Italy: two consecutive days off during which to do what we think, alone or in company. The quality of life gains so much, no doubt.

Tomorrow is Monday and it is but one day important for both: I start to work "alone", that is unsupervised, while Elisa begins the course of SFI. A lot of shit for both, as they say in theater.

Friday, October 15, 2010

11 Month Old Rattle Chest


This poem I wrote a bit 'of months ago, I have not released immediately because he participated in a contest of youth literature.
The definition of the term "xenophobia" says fear of difference, fear of strangers.
Poetry shows the social situation in Italian. Some people are still xenophobic.

twenty-first century, multi-ethnic
should be an enrichment,
should be normal as drinking a cup of coffee at six-thirty in the morning,
should be accepted and taken, as a grab more knowledge, should be as wonderful as the
gulls on Lake Como, but there is also a disease
xenophobia, and ignorant
terrible disease, autoimmune disease
not yet found a cure, care
care that does not want to treat, cure
that does not exist for xenophobia.

disease that sees people foreign
to race, color, seeing people
foreign enemy
enemy to defeat.

common disease in the twenty-first century,
those suffering from this terrible disease sees
sees his fellow
so different that they deserve to have a better life,
"to be their country, "they say, and
resounds throughout Italy,
distorted echoes like a song, echoes
between the gentlemen,
among boys,
in a while 'rimbomberà in children,
rumbles on TV,
echoes in the press,
thundering in the clouds.

autoimmune disease,
disease that has no cure,
the twenty-first century,
there are guards standing on the shores with a telescope, look
see if any boat is approaching, you do not want
in Italy the multi-ethnic,
do not want,
in Italy do not want to play with the color palette.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Herpesoutbreaks On Stomache


Saturday, October 23 from 11:00
to Café Panorama - Kulturhuset , Sergeltorg, 5th floor

We will be there and I bet it will be fun!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kates Playground Real Name?

Like a knife in the heart

am a happy person. I have only one problem, to have so many interesting things to do than the miserable 24 hours a day it is made.
Yet there are moments, moments in which all voices are silent except one, the desire of the deaf at times, at times, everything and everyone falls silent. There are only brief moments, but overall.
are the moments when the desire of the second son shines white hot and blinding me. The moments in which rivorrei children who have lost all. That blind desire to give life as the life that is always repeated, without awareness.
I am a lucky woman, happy but sad blunts this desire, of time to time, and leaves me breathless. And with no plausible explanations. Unable to give me peace, unbelieving and ungrateful.

Gilligan's Island Theme Party Invitation

a flower from the north

tack maj-lis' för phototaxis

Friday, October 8, 2010

Miniature Septic System

The arrival of the Huns

Please note that Helen likes her sandwich with low emissions of CO2

When they got to the station we had to get them to eat a hamburger MAX ... otherwise we would have taken a bite!
Today will be David to be their caregiver, I will only join you later after school, while it's up to me tomorrow and Sunday.
I'm so glad to be here ... we will have to die laughing!
: D

/ Elisa

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Diapered Adults Chicago


With the arrival of the first cold animal species are preparing for the hibernation.

What is hidden in the green blanket?
(the cat is not the case, it is too easy)

Primary School Games Dune Buggy

... buddies ...

Tomorrow will come in 5, Italian immigrants!
They should be 6, but unfortunately someone has lost his way, patience, hope can get a ride on one of the next Ryanair flight to € 10.
We are ready to welcome them and feed them, especially to cover them with clothes that fit, they come from the season Monsoon Genovesi ...
are the first that come to us and the beauty is that they have booked the tickets about a month before our departure. Confident!
It is a pity that in recent days the sun always shone, while the next will be a bit 'longer covered, it seems that our will last into the famous puff of Fantozzi.
We have arranged a bell'ostello water, now only lacks a program for three days.
suggestions are welcome!


Monday, August 30, 2010

How Much Does Laser Cost For Broken Capillaries

Time and his sister

This poem talks about how fast time goes and how fast we bring to her sister

Time passes,
you wake up and start running, and still
run run run,
"Run away!" Says ,
run away at work, at home, at school and vice versa.

Time runs like a train at the terminus,
if we look at a meter,
there is little left to live,
those who believe lives in the vain hope that there is something beyond:
hell, purgatory or better yet,

who does not believe he sees the approaching darkness,
sees eternity in the ground in the dark without knowing anything of those still living, the darkness swallows
without fear and indecision,
the darkness waiting for you behind a corner, a bar a morning after pronouncing "See you tonight,"
you're eating your pasta in your bar and come up with an excuse
drags you away without giving you time to say: I'm dying! They will put you

will put you on the dresser inside a silver frame,
Sprinkle each morning while making the bed every night and daily prayer invoking your return.

We are victims of time and drug addicts, drug addicts
doped by the speed with which we are heading for death.