Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Is The Name Of The Shape Of Nh4

E 'a dirty job but someone has to do

this article, I blend for the head for some time. I have only now decided to write it and post it as a result of mishaps happened to loved ones, friends and relatives. It may be that some hate me after reading it, someone else instead I thank you. In any case, after reading you'll know exactly what to expect, and if I can save someone a bit 'of my tears will be achieved.

I'm talking about abortion, of course. I will tell you hours of things I learned in my skin, and I wanted someone says to me. We would suffer much less.

The basic concept is this: When you hold a positive pregnancy test, you do not have a baby in her arms. You hold just a plastic stick with two pink stripes, or blue, depending on the circumstances. The road that takes you from your child is still very, very long, so keep your feet on the ground.

I give some figures.

When pregnancy is detected, the possibility that it may stop spontaneously go from 12% when maternal age is around 20 years, up to 40% when maternal age is over 40 years. After 45 years, the risk perdcentuali

reach 50-70%, 80% of abortions take place within 12 weeks of gestation, of whom 36% within the first 8 weeks.

E 'bad to say these things to women seeking a son in old age, but I think it's even more ugly to be convinced to have done, for disinformation, and then be thrown into the abyss from the classic "There's no heartbeat" "The room is empty, an egg is clear." Phrases that doctors often pronounce with a little touch, as is normal for their administration. If you pass, you know that you will never be routine. But if you have not made too many mental movie, feel much better.

Thus, despite the positive test keep our feet on the ground. If you are over 40 years, you have already achieved a good result. You must count a disappointment, and know that at our age is not a remote possibility. A writer has happened four times, but it is also true that the writer has given birth to a beautiful and healthy baby for almost 42 years.

age also gives us broad enough shoulders to bear the disappointments and try again, until we will feel it.


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