Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rasputin Vodkawhere Can I Buy Some


Finally a race!
L ' Hellasloppet , a 10km a day really wonderful. A large sun (even hot, if we consider that we are at the end of October), little wind and ten thousand feet in the natural reserve Nacka.
I'm training for a while ', particularly in view of the marathon, and I intended to close well below 50'. Instead, the route has proved rather too full of steep climbs. Without specific training means breaking some 'legs. One, after the 5th km , it was really hard and long. Then, when then towards the end I decided to shoot everything I had and seemed to pave the way for good here's another couple of break-salitine rhythm and the omelet is done: 50.30 ... Souvenir medal, but Ugh!
Okay, the road between now and May 28 is long, nothing to worry about!
It 'been fun activity heating collective pre-race trainer that makes you exercise with music (the inevitable waka-waka) surrounded by 200 people who type the following all together, comes out a beautiful choreography.

E 'was a good weekend: Lars (he ran) and Francesca came to us last night for dinner and I stopped to sleep. The official language is among us, mostly, Swedish, and Elisa also has jumped to speak, to my great joy and a certain pride!
's one of those things that we were missing in Italy: two consecutive days off during which to do what we think, alone or in company. The quality of life gains so much, no doubt.

Tomorrow is Monday and it is but one day important for both: I start to work "alone", that is unsupervised, while Elisa begins the course of SFI. A lot of shit for both, as they say in theater.


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