Monday, November 15, 2010

Wedding Program Duty -paper -print

What is Family Mediation

The Family Mediation is an effective tool to help couples undergoing separation or divorce, was born and developed several decades ago in the United States, becoming one of the channels normally used in cases of separation and divorce.

is currently widespread in some European countries since 1999 and strongly recommended by the European Community, particularly after the entry into force of Law 54/2006 shared custody, which allows parents to "share" the educational lines for growth raising children in a perspective of both parents. Share in a time when you divide is the contradiction that forces us as parents to find solutions practicable for the sake of our children. The Family Mediation
fits into this scenario as an alternative path to judicial proceedings in which a neutral third party, the Ombudsman, the family offers a separation in time and space to "say things" and develop solutions that take into account the different needs of all its members, particularly children, to help maintain the continuity of family relationships.
The family mediation course provides a short course of meetings held by the family mediator, a professional degree in Psychology or legal persons with special training in post-degree technical management of conflicts. He accompanies the couple
the reorganization of the family and supports the negotiation of agreements, both in terms of economic and relational capital, from communication to the children of the separation policy, education, the time of meeting parents and children, home and family maintenance allowance.
The purpose of the Family Mediation is therefore to reduce and where possible to resolve the conflicts which would enable the couple to reorganize their lives in dealing with the separation less traumatic for him and, especially, for their children.
The agreements reached in mediation can be the basis for a shared action for separation, and in any case encourage a climate change relationship which helps to overcome a difficult moment, but can also be an opportunity for personal growth and parenting.
The Family Mediation is aimed at married couples or couples with or without children who have decided to separate, or that we are thinking, already separated couples wishing to revise or update their agreements and to separate single parent with relationship difficulties with their children.
strong points of strength of family mediation are numerous:
you re-enable communication for positive management of conflicts, and facilitate equitable arrangements so they can shared and experienced by both, stimulates the development of parenting skills and organizational improves interpersonal skills maintaining the link of the children with both parents and their families of origin. Also not to be underestimated, is able to contain the time and cost to ensure absolute confidentiality.

Image: Graur Codrin /


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