Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie English Online

The League wants to close the anti-racism agency


"Here they show their true face infamous, now seeking the freedom to be able to apply 'despicable newspaper, something so despicable that they know only pursue with unusual stubbornness and the complicity of the skeptics, the indifferent and distracted! "
UNAR The League wants to close the office to combat racial discrimination, which is funded by the state with two million € per year. The observatory anti-racism could be eliminated thanks to a proposal of Senators to the decree of the Carroccio Milleproroghe. With this move, the party intends to stop "these obscure bureaucrats who for six months now have been made in transforming politics Maestrini the red pen: here are racist, xenophobic there, abusing the concept of indirect discrimination and claim a total equalization between the citizen native el'extracomunitario temporary guest. Those are two million waste of money, the office should be deleted, "says Sandro Mazzatorta, Senator League.
The Northern League, through five senators, with the amendment number 1146 (it will go to a vote in early March) and demanded their withdrawal "from March 31, 2011" the One, born of the will ' European Union and accepted by the Berlusconi government in 2005. In a subsequent amendment, already filed, it is suggested that the money be used "at the Fondazione Teatro Regio di Parma for the realization Verdi Festival ". The Office against discrimination is established in all EU countries and only in Italy and Finland and is on the payroll of the government (with EU money, actually).
The League says that the two million spent annually to finance the UNAR would be unnecessary. But what exactly does the agency anti-racism? These are some of what has been done in recent years. UNAR intervened on holiday bonuses proposed by Brambilla also sought data on the basis of nationality. The office has also opened a dispute with the Municipality of Trieste, "Discriminant bouns the baby." Calling for a poster depicting the Arab League in Prato and Gypsies in the front row to the Italians.


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