Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Does Leukemia Affect The Liver?

Ignazio La Russa stepped on a journalist Annozero "I love the smell of the baton in the morning ... the scent of victory."


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"We are on the usual King of the peasants' well digiamolo "never fails to disappoint, he is the consistency in person, what can amaze falling to levels that touches the hot-tempered spat at and drooling possessed with bloodshot eyes ... a man be afraid! "

There are questions that can not be done if you do not want to risk being kicked. At least Ignazio La Russa. When on the sidelines of the event in his underwear but alive, "organized by Giuliano Ferrara (see article), the envoy of Annozero Formigli Conrad tries to approach the Minister of Defence to make him some questions before the Russian says," with you Annozero not speak ....
Let me do the interview series "then move on to the streets of fact. Formigli insisted: "If it were shown that Arcore was frequented by underage prostitutes, Berlusconi should do what?". The owner of the Defense first tells the reporter for asking his sister "and then, was not even a horse, he began kicking the poor left behind.
Not content with La Russa, addressing Formigli, starts to shout loudly: "What? Kick me from behind? Me to kick? But you get up. " The result is that the journalist Michele Santoro, after being taken to squashing with the heel of La Russa, is plated by the police in the room and identified. A nice way to not answer questions.


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