Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blueprints Of A Wooden Catapult


My training is going slowly, due to slight injury to his right leg, despite two interventions by a massage therapist, does not seem to want to know from the rising balls. As the ice and cold, yes, van, but not just complicate your life when you need to run dozens of miles a week ...

week ago I received a job offer, with another, as a matrix. I refused because it was something that could interest me to do, but I have to say that it is a pleasure to see the possibilities there are. Here. We knew

Daniel, another Genoese in that of Sweden. We're just preparing the ground for the future domain of the ancient maritime republic on the Baltic!

The cat, as the sun is coming up in the morning and flooded the house, would increasingly go out to the balcony. Too bad the cold of the above is not taken down by at least -5 ° (and then down) and the balcony is covered with snow.
Result: The Flea ventures in the corner where there is less snow falls, then annoyed, shaking paws ...

now has even seen fit to replace the traditional balls of wool with a piece of ice. Oh, you adapt to everything!
Ok, end of the special edition, kisses.

The Best Brands Of Concealer

ROBERTO MARONI The Interior Ministry should be arrested on the spot! (Videos)

Now all that said ... all of a sudden it becomes real! An immense mass of documents has been produced against signing the treaty of friendship between Italy and Libya without leaf moved, photographs, testimonies and even video!
Now that we know what it is capable of brutal dictatorship led by Muammar Gheddaffi everything appears under a different light so to speak ... even in the eyes of most Boeotian supporter of the Berlusconi-led government and company (.. .)
course we still have that number circus with triple somersault and pirouette Emilio Fede ... the numerini Bossi ...
now we keep him because he makes color (Emilio) even wants to deal with the protection of animals ...
You will have noticed the deafening silence, expressed grave by our Interior Minister Maroni!
Here I think we're going to stop sitting obvious complicity with a criminal close to earning the accusation of genocide tremendous!
Our country in the future will have to respond to these dirty, despicable business with lots of signatures.
"We need oil, "say the usual balls and then reminds them that the founder of ENI Enrico Mattei not never went up to give licenses to countries with which holiness was discreetly business!
Below is a link to update the post .. . shocking!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Trnsit Slidebed Plans

We are alone, including spaghetti and mandolins

We want power to be alone among the pieces of our sea, this is understood when you see someone who still does not allow its land to be invaded by aliens, it seems to be his, is paying in installments since he was born.
We're just us, we play card games on Sunday, Friday and Saturday, tortellini, gnocchi, we're just us, but we're so good in Italy alone, pay the fee, but beware, the host project what we pay for?
This little monologue is the set of words that I hear frequently, it makes me terribly afraid, the justification is always "I'm older," because we always find justification at all?
The vote, a Another link, even if they are elderly vote, then why not discuss, is not a valid excuse, is a response to deflect tangential discussion. If one million votes Berlusconi me angry I can, if I vote for the Bossi Fini me angry or I'll have to get me to say that they are cute?
Every thought is worthy to be discussed even if a child does, we can not find justification for every thought, as we are foreigners we are to feel better, are happier because they think it is an island, there is a crisis but we buy twenty-five infrared radar to place them on the sea, we have no money but we pay those who expect the boat to the port to send them back, pay to write a law on immigration. The famous
economic chain runs thanks to foreign people, the carers who look after our elderly people are foreigners, foreign workers are peasants, Bologna is a chain of grocery all foreigners, but we do not understand that the future will be multi cultural.
On March 1, 2011 has been called a strike in favor of foreigners. Foreign workers have the right to strike and those who wish may join them in the strike.
I participate because I do not follow?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Say Lapa An African Skirt

Turn the clock on the evening Sasso

This poem came about after a long hesitation, the idea came to me at seven in the morning on a bus. "Turn the clock on the day tells a simple Sasso Sasso Marconi, my intention is to make a significant day as the others. I do not care to talk about seeing Spider-Man, but to tell the game of trump elderly.

arrives arrives arrives
orange coloring Sasso,
comes the yellow light to the martyrs, the six
illuminate Porrettana
orange rays knock at the gate of fresh pasta, a knock on the six
bar, ask the first coffee
this is the dawn of Marconi.

The towel bar grab a croissant,
hands it to the first customer of the day, the day is long
for Sasso Marconi,
the newspaper arrives with the mayor on the front page,
"An apple please?" the grocery bag with his glove yellow fruit,
ripping your receipt from the recorder, the bells ring
ten, a bar
around the corner you can hear the beat cards on the table by a window
feel the keyboard of a typewriter,
hear the sound of leaves,
comes the postman with a jump on the scooter is,
pulls the rope and away
in square dancing ladies that
including bread, milk, bananas carry three bags in one hand;
is the beginning of a day sassese.

At eight o'clock all were in front of the school,
rang the bell, everyone in the classroom;
cases notebooks books,
rossoblu the pen, follow the on-column multiplication is complicated,
the clock strikes two,
there is silence, all ready to detach from their use and go in front of schools, it is time for a single roar Sasso at four and a half,
all come home,
two hours after the last gate descends,
light up all the windows, but after an hour
The day ends with a mother,
in a dimly lit window,
that tucks her child.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quickbooks2009 License Number


We are in a great lost city of Yaroslavl in Russia, there rages a particularly harsh winter, the deer has chosen to go into town his expenses for food and discovered that the city can be a "concrete jungle" without equal in terms of ferocity and its exact opposite (...)
was soon attacked by a dog and injured slightly, well soon as someone thought to hunt him down, with incredible timing, luck came to providing assistance, the children of the nearby school, many have dismissed the attacker who was preparing to take to kill the deer and then alerted the fire brigade and the local police who have organized the rescue even though in the meantime the car that had led them on the spot had the engine freeze, all is well that ends well!

to a technical problem I can not upload the photo report, but is here more than 70 images documenting everything that had happened, minute by minute!

Hoyt Competition Bows

I confess, I did not feel like ...

There you will be noticed. The blog is a little bit abandoned, updates rare, less passion. News is most desired starting slower than expected.
I'm here to tell you and tell you the truth, which is always the best.
In November I had another miscarriage. None of that compared to some other experience, eh? A "light" biochemical pregnancy, ie a test that is positive, remains positive about ten days and then get the cycle, and an incompetent gynecologist tells you everything you've dreamed and that "there are no signs of disintegration" and the next day you get a cycle by bleeding ... Forget it.
Well, I did not really want to think about it.
I had a miracle in 42 years. But five pregnancies and started one successful as we should consider? I was groped good at, to aim, to never give up, but I'm tired.
Maybe I came to an end. Maybe I want to forget about it.
Then I think of all those who are still on track and have not yet picked up their child, and here I am. How do I leave?
De Profundis, I would tell you again: Do not give up. If you do not have it done at least once, do not give up. I might have demanded too much from its fate by continuing to fight for the second child. For the first I am sure that we will fight again.
Changing the subject: meeting this week with two friends, a psychologist and family mediator who already know. The Forum of MammeOver40 is always there in my thoughts, for those who want to become a mother and mother for whom it already is.
Talk to you soon, I embrace

Monday, February 14, 2011

What Does Ohio's License Plate Looks Like?


When you Metton religions with love ... this chilling story; Romeo and Juliet are powerfully evoked by the infamous record of India, the tradition has it that the parents are masters of the lives of their children!

Source -NEW DELHI - ends up in the blood in India on Valentine's Day for two young people. She strangled by his parents, he committed suicide in a monument of love . The protagonists of the tragedy are a Muslim girl in India, strangled by his parents, and her lover, a Hindu, who committed suicide in Agra, the city of Taj Mahal, the famous monument of love visited by tourists from around the world. The story, a modern version of the story of Romeo and Juliet, was reported today, Valentine's Day, the NDTV television. This is yet another case of honor killing, very often in Indian society where most marriages are combined with families and where interfaith marriages are often a scandal to be washed with blood. Three days ago, the parents of Fauzia, 18 years, had tried to throw off the police saying that the girl had died of disease. The next day, the boyfriend Sonu took his own life by shooting himself in the temple, in a crowded market in the city. The boy, 19 years , however, has left a message where he denounced the murder of Fauzia. Investigators exhumed the body and have established the presence of signs of strangulation. It is then fired to stop for the families of young people killed, that are sought after.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Does Leukemia Affect The Liver?

Ignazio La Russa stepped on a journalist Annozero "I love the smell of the baton in the morning ... the scent of victory."


Click on image to access the video

"We are on the usual King of the peasants' well digiamolo "never fails to disappoint, he is the consistency in person, what can amaze falling to levels that touches the hot-tempered spat at and drooling possessed with bloodshot eyes ... a man be afraid! "

There are questions that can not be done if you do not want to risk being kicked. At least Ignazio La Russa. When on the sidelines of the event in his underwear but alive, "organized by Giuliano Ferrara (see article), the envoy of Annozero Formigli Conrad tries to approach the Minister of Defence to make him some questions before the Russian says," with you Annozero not speak ....
Let me do the interview series "then move on to the streets of fact. Formigli insisted: "If it were shown that Arcore was frequented by underage prostitutes, Berlusconi should do what?". The owner of the Defense first tells the reporter for asking his sister "and then, was not even a horse, he began kicking the poor left behind.
Not content with La Russa, addressing Formigli, starts to shout loudly: "What? Kick me from behind? Me to kick? But you get up. " The result is that the journalist Michele Santoro, after being taken to squashing with the heel of La Russa, is plated by the police in the room and identified. A nice way to not answer questions.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Water In Toilet Bowl Disappears

Free and Reform in trouble: eight million euro of public money to be repaid, "Burlesquoni family" panic!

"Got it? This means that with public money have tarnished the journalistic profession beyond all limits on the one hand and democracy on the other hand, not a partisan political criticism but only by returning the master's voice coming down to the vile spessisimo maganellatori role of the media, all with public money ! "

Maurizio Belpietro and several directors that have occurred over the years at the helm of the reformists have always supported entirely justified battle against waste of public money. Now that will have to bear for survival . According to the Authority for Communications, the two newspapers have been government grants for years that they had no right, and now must return the stolen goods and Angelucci, orange, and newspaper editors of the obvious "hidden" - according to the theory of Calabria - Libero, will have to pay a fine. Mark writes on Lilly Done Daily:
According to the interpretation of Agcom, L ibe ro grossed 12 million € and called for another € 6 million to the Presidency of the Council was not for it and has relied on that money to break even the budgets of recent years. On 9 February, the editor of Libero, the deputy of the PDL Antonio Angelucci, owner of the group of private clinics Tosinvest, it was Having regard to imposing a fine of € 108 000 and may soon be forced to your wallet. The provision of the Guarantor for Communications is the result of a long investigation lasted a year and a half, which began publishing in tandem with the Department of the Presidency, led by Elisa Grande.
Agcom deny those funds because the two newspapers, in addition to formal qualifications, are controlled both by the group of Antonio Angelucci. The resolution Agcom was taken on the basis of the favorable report 'condemns' Angelucci Commissioner Sebastiano Sortino who managed to convince the president Corrado Calabro (appointed by Silvio Berlusconi) and tear the abstention of a member of Agcom share in the PDL, Stefano Mannoni. And the effects of the resolution could be devastating for the two newspapers: read on ....

Congratulation For Son Words

The Italian Tour: SICILY, SAN VITO LO CAPO @ Home Project Enzo

the Italian Tour: SICILY, SAN VITO LO CAPO @ Home Enzo: "I had warned: once you've seen San Vito lo Capo, it comes back. A paradise, they all say. Of course we did not expect to swim the ... "

Kidde Fyrnetics Smoke Alarm Beeping

careful what you wish, you may get it!

Only a few days ago someone at home (no names but I can say that this was not the cat) complained that there was more snow.
In at least 24 hours it took to 25/30 cm in the center, many more are going out of town ...
That is below the courtyard of our building.
What do you say, now stop complaining ?!?!?!

Fingerprints on my right are: )

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie English Online

The League wants to close the anti-racism agency


"Here they show their true face infamous, now seeking the freedom to be able to apply 'despicable newspaper, something so despicable that they know only pursue with unusual stubbornness and the complicity of the skeptics, the indifferent and distracted! "
UNAR The League wants to close the office to combat racial discrimination, which is funded by the state with two million € per year. The observatory anti-racism could be eliminated thanks to a proposal of Senators to the decree of the Carroccio Milleproroghe. With this move, the party intends to stop "these obscure bureaucrats who for six months now have been made in transforming politics Maestrini the red pen: here are racist, xenophobic there, abusing the concept of indirect discrimination and claim a total equalization between the citizen native el'extracomunitario temporary guest. Those are two million waste of money, the office should be deleted, "says Sandro Mazzatorta, Senator League.
The Northern League, through five senators, with the amendment number 1146 (it will go to a vote in early March) and demanded their withdrawal "from March 31, 2011" the One, born of the will ' European Union and accepted by the Berlusconi government in 2005. In a subsequent amendment, already filed, it is suggested that the money be used "at the Fondazione Teatro Regio di Parma for the realization Verdi Festival ". The Office against discrimination is established in all EU countries and only in Italy and Finland and is on the payroll of the government (with EU money, actually).
The League says that the two million spent annually to finance the UNAR would be unnecessary. But what exactly does the agency anti-racism? These are some of what has been done in recent years. UNAR intervened on holiday bonuses proposed by Brambilla also sought data on the basis of nationality. The office has also opened a dispute with the Municipality of Trieste, "Discriminant bouns the baby." Calling for a poster depicting the Arab League in Prato and Gypsies in the front row to the Italians.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tattoo In The Genital Area For Women - \u200b\u200ba very serious blog

It seems that the Constitution obstacles entrepreneurial initiatives.
as buying in Italy.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Guys Getting Themselves Off

Maroni sputt @ n @ to these photos for those with short memories! The only minister of 'Inside sued for' resisting a public officer, other than zero tolerance for young people's Viola!

Pertini We had already been adversely affected but that man, the son of the resistance and loved by the Italians, made the prison to save the dignity of the country affected by fascism, Maroni today with a terrible hypocrisy opens mouth against two boys of the people released from prison by Judge Viola (...) forget what he was capable in his zeal and anti-secession, subversion, subversive one, we face the usual manifestation of the grotesque satire on salsa verde valley!


Maroni moralist: the only minister of 'Inside sued for' resisting a public official '
September 1996: Digos raided the headquarters of the League . At the center is recognized Roberto Calderoli (photo
Mario Borghezio, the last on the right shoulder of his jacket. In front of him, dark sweater and jeans with the current Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni ( photos)
A photo archive assisted by Roberto Maroni Umberto Bossi Roberto Calderoni and after the incidents via Belleri (photo

I read the words of our Minister for the 'Interior, Roberto Maroni , after clashes took place in front of the villa of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi :
"I hope that whoever was responsible aggression to the police subjected an exemplary sentence "
But how do these people have the courage to appear before a camera and say these words? him ... Roberto Maroni, the only Interior Minister denounced and condemned for "resisting the police" (along with cronies Umberto Bossi Roberto and Calderoli , including their ministers ... what a beautiful parliament eh? ) carryover from Done Daily :
Cass. pen. Sec. VI (ud. 02/09/2004) 09/03/2004 No 10773 , rejecting the appeals of Piergiorgio Martinelli and Roberto Maroni, against which replaces that of imprisonment with a fine of € 5,320 each, under Articles. 4 and 5, paragraph 3, of LN 134/2003, excerpts from the decision:
"2. - The events were reconstructed by the Court of Appeal as follows, taking into account the necessary additions contained in decision at first instance.
2.1. The raid took place in a split in the sense that working, come at the premises of Via Belleri 41 in the morning, met the opposition of those present decided to go for instructions to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Verona. Then go back to [the] place in the afternoon with the provision of additional search and order to proceed, sent by fax, by a competent attorney of Verona [...]. The police climbed the stairs and chased bystanders hampered by [...] In this way the police had to face the crowd of people was formed, accompanied by a chorus of insults he saw the promoter Borghezio. So, all the way - which, while not the most direct access to the room Marchini was allegedly given the right by the same - there are numerous acts of aggression physical and verbal attacks on public officials caused people to Maroni, Bossi alderoli and C, all documented episodes from the television archive (which were viewed by the magistrate during the preliminary hearing).
2.2. The first real incident of violence was to be in place by Mr. Maroni that, as documented by video, tried to prevent the ascent of the staircase which gave access to the corridor mentioned above, blocking the leg inspectors Mastrostefano and Amadu (pages 13 and 14 of decision at first instance).
2.3. [On] the landing took place (again according to the Rai film documentation) residues specific incidents alleged the defendants: 1) Calderoli drove behind a police officer and Caparini confronts him in front, 2) Caparini leaning against the railing with one hand and with ' other [to] the wall turned to the inspector Amadu saying "You're not going anywhere," , 3) Dr. Pallauro was taken to the shoulders and neck from Maroni ; 4) Martinelli took the inspector Amadu by the neck and shoulders and pulled him ... "