Saturday, October 30, 2010

18th Birthday Invitation Wording Ideas


tell the truth, will be at least 2 or 3 years since I saw the Tg1. Today I tried it through YouTube. I can do it, I said ... But no, there are successful!
Already the introduction of the journalist made me nervous, came the intervention of Santanchè I gave up ...
How sad!
And 'the only thing I can say ...

/ Elisa

Friday, October 29, 2010

Where To Buy Small Pet Tortoises

Den andra veckan ... The first sighting

. .. the second week.
(I think you write well, but the double determination causes me some problems, if sapientinoDD intervene to correct me)

finally ended the second week of introduction to school.
Monday I will be a real class! I'll have a lärare, a mentor and a "studio-och yrkesvägledare" ... finally!
(the first is the teacher, the other two are similar to the tutor, but I have not yet completely understood the differences between the two roles)
These two weeks were interesting, but most of my classmates did not speak a word of Swedish and / or very little English and then spent the mornings a bit 'slow.
But today I had my brief moment of fame!
Shortly before he left it came one of the teachers in the classroom accompanied by an Italian boy, recently arrived in the north. Had need a couple of questions about the school and program that had just been delivered.
E 'was fun to do pseudo-interpreter:)

/ Elisa

Ps: Saturday we spent a fantastic day with the bloggers Italian-Swedish, super congratulations to the organizers!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fido Sim Message Center

cyclamen I'll have to move house? More dangerous than the snow or the cat?

morning came the snow ... Light light, invisible to the street, but still snow!
Right now the sky is opening and when the sun, the white veil over the rooftops will not come tonight (thankfully) but it was still fun to go out this morning and see people equipped for the climb of Mont Blanc. ..

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rasputin Vodkawhere Can I Buy Some


Finally a race!
L ' Hellasloppet , a 10km a day really wonderful. A large sun (even hot, if we consider that we are at the end of October), little wind and ten thousand feet in the natural reserve Nacka.
I'm training for a while ', particularly in view of the marathon, and I intended to close well below 50'. Instead, the route has proved rather too full of steep climbs. Without specific training means breaking some 'legs. One, after the 5th km , it was really hard and long. Then, when then towards the end I decided to shoot everything I had and seemed to pave the way for good here's another couple of break-salitine rhythm and the omelet is done: 50.30 ... Souvenir medal, but Ugh!
Okay, the road between now and May 28 is long, nothing to worry about!
It 'been fun activity heating collective pre-race trainer that makes you exercise with music (the inevitable waka-waka) surrounded by 200 people who type the following all together, comes out a beautiful choreography.

E 'was a good weekend: Lars (he ran) and Francesca came to us last night for dinner and I stopped to sleep. The official language is among us, mostly, Swedish, and Elisa also has jumped to speak, to my great joy and a certain pride!
's one of those things that we were missing in Italy: two consecutive days off during which to do what we think, alone or in company. The quality of life gains so much, no doubt.

Tomorrow is Monday and it is but one day important for both: I start to work "alone", that is unsupervised, while Elisa begins the course of SFI. A lot of shit for both, as they say in theater.

Friday, October 15, 2010

11 Month Old Rattle Chest


This poem I wrote a bit 'of months ago, I have not released immediately because he participated in a contest of youth literature.
The definition of the term "xenophobia" says fear of difference, fear of strangers.
Poetry shows the social situation in Italian. Some people are still xenophobic.

twenty-first century, multi-ethnic
should be an enrichment,
should be normal as drinking a cup of coffee at six-thirty in the morning,
should be accepted and taken, as a grab more knowledge, should be as wonderful as the
gulls on Lake Como, but there is also a disease
xenophobia, and ignorant
terrible disease, autoimmune disease
not yet found a cure, care
care that does not want to treat, cure
that does not exist for xenophobia.

disease that sees people foreign
to race, color, seeing people
foreign enemy
enemy to defeat.

common disease in the twenty-first century,
those suffering from this terrible disease sees
sees his fellow
so different that they deserve to have a better life,
"to be their country, "they say, and
resounds throughout Italy,
distorted echoes like a song, echoes
between the gentlemen,
among boys,
in a while 'rimbomberà in children,
rumbles on TV,
echoes in the press,
thundering in the clouds.

autoimmune disease,
disease that has no cure,
the twenty-first century,
there are guards standing on the shores with a telescope, look
see if any boat is approaching, you do not want
in Italy the multi-ethnic,
do not want,
in Italy do not want to play with the color palette.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Herpesoutbreaks On Stomache


Saturday, October 23 from 11:00
to Café Panorama - Kulturhuset , Sergeltorg, 5th floor

We will be there and I bet it will be fun!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kates Playground Real Name?

Like a knife in the heart

am a happy person. I have only one problem, to have so many interesting things to do than the miserable 24 hours a day it is made.
Yet there are moments, moments in which all voices are silent except one, the desire of the deaf at times, at times, everything and everyone falls silent. There are only brief moments, but overall.
are the moments when the desire of the second son shines white hot and blinding me. The moments in which rivorrei children who have lost all. That blind desire to give life as the life that is always repeated, without awareness.
I am a lucky woman, happy but sad blunts this desire, of time to time, and leaves me breathless. And with no plausible explanations. Unable to give me peace, unbelieving and ungrateful.

Gilligan's Island Theme Party Invitation

a flower from the north

tack maj-lis' för phototaxis

Friday, October 8, 2010

Miniature Septic System

The arrival of the Huns

Please note that Helen likes her sandwich with low emissions of CO2

When they got to the station we had to get them to eat a hamburger MAX ... otherwise we would have taken a bite!
Today will be David to be their caregiver, I will only join you later after school, while it's up to me tomorrow and Sunday.
I'm so glad to be here ... we will have to die laughing!
: D

/ Elisa

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Diapered Adults Chicago


With the arrival of the first cold animal species are preparing for the hibernation.

What is hidden in the green blanket?
(the cat is not the case, it is too easy)

Primary School Games Dune Buggy

... buddies ...

Tomorrow will come in 5, Italian immigrants!
They should be 6, but unfortunately someone has lost his way, patience, hope can get a ride on one of the next Ryanair flight to € 10.
We are ready to welcome them and feed them, especially to cover them with clothes that fit, they come from the season Monsoon Genovesi ...
are the first that come to us and the beauty is that they have booked the tickets about a month before our departure. Confident!
It is a pity that in recent days the sun always shone, while the next will be a bit 'longer covered, it seems that our will last into the famous puff of Fantozzi.
We have arranged a bell'ostello water, now only lacks a program for three days.
suggestions are welcome!
