Thursday, January 28, 2010

Masterbation Or Money On Elvevator

I see the barges to The dead white off

This poem tells of a man who sees foreigners driven out of Italy and claims to be Italian.

I see, I see
I see on barges offshore,
yes. I see boats full of African
Romanians, Pakistanis, who turn away
from the Italian coast.

I see on barges offshore,
expelled from Italy,
as if they were stones under his feet,
as pebbles in your shoes,
thrown away from Italy,
without remorse,
front-page newspaper, have
well done,
say the majority of citizens, government
government that wants a country without many ethnic groups.
I turn on the TV,
have also made the home movie,
I am ashamed to have the flag at home,
tear all the clothes on the Italian flag,
no longer wear this hat with the symbol of ' Italy,
I am ashamed to have even purchased a flag for the World Cup,
hide in the closet under the clothes in the hope of a thousand not see her again.

I've seen on barges offshore,
returning to the war in their country,
on my identity card I would cancel the "Italian Citizenship",
deeply ashamed of being Italian.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Bearded Dragon Has Long Warts

Sunday night I watched a movie that dealt with this very topic today: the white deaths.
The film was called "The Last of Eden" and tells the story of a man and his best friends who were employees of a company drivers of the assigned impossible tasks, with hours and hours driving a truck.
I call it a documentary that does not comply with safety standards adhered to, those small rules that if met would make you work more safely and without risk to never see your children, your wife, your friends, but we must ask why are not met, because a truck driver has to come to risk their lives to get to that time. Because otherwise is not paid on the day of work, because if a shipment arrives two minutes after you lose your job if you lose your job and can not support your family.
Some workers falling from scaffolding because they have been wrongly fitted, Miners hit by a piece of rock that is detached, the builders fell from a roof, all the conductor betrayed by a non-working traffic lights will no longer see the light.
The white deaths occurred in Italy in 2009 against 576 to 639 of 2008, we had a decline of 10%, the statistics say that most of the deaths at work are people who come from other countries.
I had never had occasion to reflect deeply on this subject, so even if you do not read this article I have to thank the production of this film, the sublime interpretation of Massimo Ghini and all the players who produced a film with very interesting and high moral content.
The white deaths occur for absurd reasons and phenomenon in a large increase, a phenomenon that could be avoided with a little more effort.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Ashleigh Erwood Canadian


I decided to write this article to inform you of the situation of the earthquake, because the media are giving us false information, again for the same problem: the Italian information is made up, the news said 20% of truth. Abruzzo
The situation is not as rosy as you say nay, the inhabitants of the areas affected by the earthquake blacks are angry with the Government.
The management of the houses date to the Government is not as good: only a small proportion of the population had the house, I do not deny that it was a record to build those apartments But I wanted to emphasize some points: but he has not built by volunteers Trentino, has thanked the volunteers who have donated materials and labor in particular, has made sure that the government presence throughout. This tells you the one who has followed all the live television of those days, the meeting with the Head of Civil Protection Bertolaso, I looked, did not thank anyone except the firemen. Now built a little 'houses and then ... does not see all the other homeless people because it seems that the emergency is over. The emergency still exists as long as all persons will be arranged and there will be no tent cities, in August had the desire to go where they were made, you can not, after a trauma like this, have this concern, a person should be sure that however things go will never be moved from his country, the farmers who lost their we must not take them home in the city in "houses of government." A little 'feel it necessary, older women find it hard to leave a place and I understand, you always have the doubt "in the new place I ambienterò here as well?
Gentlemen, I was told that Abruzzo had not said anything about the organization of Government! Of course! They made a banner to welcome Berlusconi says "" Where do we go in September? No to deportation, "if we can say that it is an affectionate comment on Berlusconi, so if we can say that!
This article makes it clear where we are in Italy, I have no words.
All this information I got them from a Article of the Republic of September 15, 2009.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Linsey_dawn_mckenzie_-does The Doctor

The January 19, 2008 I started this blog with disabilities view the main theme in ironic and sarcastic.
the months went by I realized that exclusively deal with a topic was not very here is interesting because for the second year I decided it was better as a description of the blog "Reality and its surroundings, allowing you to face all the issues of disability policy, from poetry to modern society and so on.
I also changed a bit 'graphics, for example, I removed "play" because it is a bit' of time I do not do more shows, I left the poem "On Faith" my master Claudio Lolli and I added a list poems that I wrote and which I'll update qual'ora'll write more.
We arrived at the gates of a great new year where they will discuss the topics in poetry and much more reflection.
The topics that will be addressed: politics, society, social dynamics, etc., to make m'impegnerò an interesting year.
We arrived at the second year of gaining more readers, I'm 38 now fixed readers and more people from the sites to which they are connected.
Today the blog enters the second year with a wonderful audience that is always ready to comment on whatever is being published, so I have to use a title of a song by Gianni Morandi:
Thank you all.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Make A Wwe Figure Game

Two years is not my generation

This poem tells the difference between today's generation and that of a couple of decades ago.
I always say I'm wrong era. I was born in

new generation.
is not my generation,
no, not my generation,
I wanted to be born in the sixties,
houses the kitchen,
schools with ink,
on Sunday to go to the mountains with her two horses,
suspenders and shirt, music
Claudio Lolli, De Andre

... It's not my time,
guys all dressed alike,
discos, pubs
is not my age,
no, no, music insignificant
songs composed by two words, and good morning
goodnight, all open houses
common rooms, no
is not my age, no
is not my age.

Today we go in Sardinia
them just have fun,
if you do not go to Sardinia,
tell you, you're missing a show
you answer with a joke,
we see that the show is not to your liking.

Today the river is the last resort, the Adriatic
does not see the sand castles,
frenetic pace,
go, run, go well in school, they told me
that in August we took you to Sardinia ,
and I nodded without blinking.

stimuli of this time, Tiziano Ferro
arrives in Bologna,
you pretend to rejoice not to cry, cry
not to laugh, laugh for
not think that are those stimuli.

not my age, I do not know what to do
do not know what to do.