Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pages Like Jib Jab But For Free


by Angelo De Luca receive
no to the bridge. The first mass struggle that must end with the final surrender by the Government. The Pharaohs are already extinct thousands of years, but revived in the imagination of more and more "miracle" Silvio B. Calabria, Sicily as well, they really need a raise, but that recovery can not pass through the building of a bridge. No. For several reasons. Among all primary need is to rebuild a devastated much traffic, not to mention the gravity of the situation continuously A3, where between tendering and subsequent infiltrated sites blocked, where the lack of funds required to complete, where the slow pace of work, has definitely contributed to the "crack" of the regional economy. Fewer and fewer people are determined to confront the challenge A3, and tourism is the way for more orderly and far more accessible than "location" less messy. Fewer and fewer people rely on our local product or at least to the relocation of major industries of distribution, because to start a truck from Catania or Reggio Calabria, it means he might arrive at their destination two days later. Meanwhile, the House formalizes the "yes" of the project, so the idea is to fund the "bridge mission" through a series of private, which will cover, they say, three quarters of the costs, and state intervention, which will complete the missing puzzle piece, a note by company, Impregilo Spa, as it happens, the better "friend" of all the works desired by Mr. B., on all the unnecessary construction of Mose in Venice. An idea, that of the bridge, that is tempting to many people for several millennia, even by 200 BC, when Lucius Caecilius Metellus had made up his mind to join the two strips of land, to spend a lot more comfortably won the 140 elephants in Carthage. Other times. More stories. Other emperors. Among other things, the Romans were not to collaborate with anyone, nor with the local people, nor with the local guardians. Which in fact could happen now. But this is a separate chapter, where, perhaps, Mr. B. has already budgeted for the tangentina his friends / enemies mafia. But the problem is still another. The bridge serves to whom? The problem now truncates commuters: Well, in the light of the current project, the affected areas for the support of the pillars of support, will Pellaro toe (Calabria) and Punta d'Ali (Sicily). For those who know the two areas, it is clear that the pendulum will not benefit the speed of travel of the bridge for a fundamental reason: the distance from the arrival on the ground is as far from the city center to city center of Messina and Reggio Calabria ; they follow the old path ferry-boat, which has greatly attracted the tourists in recent decades. € to pay the usual pedestrian crossing, instead of 40 one-way toll. Another problem is derived from the impact hydro that the bridge will be to the detriment of the already unstable ground Calabrian-Sicilian. Removal constant is known history of the island with the mainland, a phenomenon which, although small in size (about 10 mm per 10 years), it is always active. We must not confuse, as often happens when one speaks of "great works", the renunciation with the need, because the territory, came to a historical low of viability, it needs massive interventions in the areas of infrastructure, " "Environment", "land reclamation", "post-disaster reconstruction" and "viability." And do not confuse the "bridge plan" with the increase in employment, because if it is put in motion a machine organization, as the full consolidation of the two regions, employment could rise even without no doubt the work of the bridge. E 'need for the information campaign of the various events can really create a movement capable of changing our idea of \u200b\u200bgovernment men, stressing that the problem of development must necessarily pass through the opinion of those who live there in some places. We can not always go for the usual "troglodytes" on duty, scornful of the new design technology, because we, the citizens of the south, still die because it rains half an hour longer than usual and our houses are falling down, because someone has given amnesty when the amnesty was only a further life-threatening; die because the roads are bumpy and accidents victims reap burst. The race for development should never be confused with Napoleonic dreams of those who want to build only haphazardly, in a part of the world where he never lived. (In memory of the dead for the flood of Messina, the Vibo Valentia province of Crotone, the dead on the A3 on the 106, on Sicilian highways, the innocent victims Cosa Nostra and 'Ndrangheta, we honest ordinary citizens, victims of the silence of the institutions.)


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