Friday, December 11, 2009

Sherwin Williams Favorite Purple Bathroom

"Africans saved Rosarno": a book, a reality, an emergency.

receive by Angelo De Luca
Vibo-A book, a writer (Antonello Mangano), a former mayor (Milled Pepper), a volunteer rosarnese (Giuseppe Pugliese), few present. Start the discussion-presentation, the library system Vibo Valentia province, on a cold December pre-Christmas. Antonello Mangano recalls facts that really happened: the "revolt" peaceful Africans in 2008, tired of being subjected to harassment, racial violence, physical violence. The 'ndrine knock on doors where there were doors, those abandoned stable, as the former paper mill Rosarno, inhabited by 500 people, enslaved by the new colonialists. The racket, and not only against people who gather enough € 25 per day for 14 or 16 hours. Human and social disaster from which the free citizen can not avoid, we really miss are the children of immigrants? Their contribution to the regional economy can be decisive, because their huge labor force, their energy at work, their great cultural heritage, can, together with ours, retrain our region. Calabria, land of migrants has become a land of immigrants, who now representing 3% of the population. "It 'a moral, human, we feel the suffering of the poor of Africa - says the great former mayor, now a man of culture Peppino worked - we must fight together for a better world for future generations. When I read that in Italy the problem of public policy is determined by the presence of foreign workers, I get a surge of deep indignation. I do not exclude that in the big northern cities there may be foreign involvement in organized crime. But in the South, and certainly in Rosario and in Calabria, foreign workers are victims of criminal acts. Not only are they underpaid, forced to live in inhuman conditions, but many of them were robbed, beaten, some killed. The 'Ndrangheta, which affects the honest people of Calabria Rosarno and still strikes more ferocious aliens, because the weak. "The law of hospitality proposed by the Executive Loiero remained in the drawer, only some municipalities have joined with pride this project, as in the case of Badolato and Statues, the low Ionian villages, where solidarity and humanity of the municipalities and civil people, has given a bit 'of hope to these unfortunate people. "Our typical products are made by slaves - screaming - Peppino still work," as happens in Asia with corporations and sports as it happens in Africa with the slaves of gold and diamonds. "What agony, knowing that we behave as perfect slave, using several times the dignity of the brothers of Africa, victims of" a rogue usurpation 'of our rulers in their lands of origin, to satisfy our needs Western colonialism and the victims of our vulgar "rogue" that forces them to work in the fields and live in inhuman conditions, to enrich our families and abet the gangs' ndranghestiste Plains. The book is an instrument of knowledge and culture, but sin that resound in the ears of the deaf like an echo far away from where they can not get any, so as not upset the outset of xenophobia, which also govern the country, and advance the "responsibility" local, inter alia, that govern our land.


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