Monday, April 19, 2010

What Is A Good Gift For Stroke Patients

April 23 .. IN Ankon

quiver preparations for April 23, day of the event in the Balkans Ankon

Orme the invisible giant, 'The man who climbed over the wall' and cross-reading of texts Balkan Ancona opens to the Adriatic

We were talking about the Balkans in 10 .. and now we are talking 20 to the Balkans. Brilliant start to Ankon Balkans in the art review neobalcanica began last April 17 at the gallery 400 square meters, which will be open for the occasion in times 'atopic', unpredictable, so as to make forced to step in who is walking in the center during the week. On 18 April it was the turn of Guasco, with the Balkan crossreading from books and the installation of street Scosciacavalli ladders in front of the shop of legendary restorer Peppino Brunetti.

'The man who climbed over the wall', the name of the installation of cardboard, wood and wire, remember the pain and effort of migration, over the steep barriers to mobility. An invitation to the partnership which saw the enthusiastic participation of many cruise passengers for a walk on Sunday morning in a beautiful city, but close. Despite this, Americans, Russians and French are found to front of a lively group of boomers and beyond (Peppino has 83 years) dealing with an art installation in the heart of old town.

And the feedback was positive even at the Ancona, given the great participation during the crossreading, an innovative and informal way to share words, the first step towards greater awareness of foreign cultures. They read texts kaiki (now deceased Croatian dialect), Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian and Albanian languages, for a melting pot of stories and at times, sad, but who have received noticeable attention from the public. A high-level meeting in short, the result has astonished the same binding promoter Ankon in the Balkans, the association Atopos.

What has most surprised, however, is the enlargement of the spontaneous group, formed initially by more than 5 five guest artists from the Balkan Atopos up to welcome friends old and new Ancona area, that after the first appointment at the 400 square meters, have decided to support first-person stories of the Balkans in Ankon. An important support, because it will soon bring the show down the street, Corso Garibaldi, which will go on a giant invisible golem Atopos, thanks to the volunteers dressed by foreigners in various ways, dall'emigrante Italian in Argentina up to the young people who will build the center Poliarte a banner dedicated to the Balkans, a way to unite peoples and lands that until a few years ago were at war with each other.


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