Wednesday, December 16, 2009

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by Angelo De Luca receive
no to the bridge. The first mass struggle that must end with the final surrender by the Government. The Pharaohs are already extinct thousands of years, but revived in the imagination of more and more "miracle" Silvio B. Calabria, Sicily as well, they really need a raise, but that recovery can not pass through the building of a bridge. No. For several reasons. Among all primary need is to rebuild a devastated much traffic, not to mention the gravity of the situation continuously A3, where between tendering and subsequent infiltrated sites blocked, where the lack of funds required to complete, where the slow pace of work, has definitely contributed to the "crack" of the regional economy. Fewer and fewer people are determined to confront the challenge A3, and tourism is the way for more orderly and far more accessible than "location" less messy. Fewer and fewer people rely on our local product or at least to the relocation of major industries of distribution, because to start a truck from Catania or Reggio Calabria, it means he might arrive at their destination two days later. Meanwhile, the House formalizes the "yes" of the project, so the idea is to fund the "bridge mission" through a series of private, which will cover, they say, three quarters of the costs, and state intervention, which will complete the missing puzzle piece, a note by company, Impregilo Spa, as it happens, the better "friend" of all the works desired by Mr. B., on all the unnecessary construction of Mose in Venice. An idea, that of the bridge, that is tempting to many people for several millennia, even by 200 BC, when Lucius Caecilius Metellus had made up his mind to join the two strips of land, to spend a lot more comfortably won the 140 elephants in Carthage. Other times. More stories. Other emperors. Among other things, the Romans were not to collaborate with anyone, nor with the local people, nor with the local guardians. Which in fact could happen now. But this is a separate chapter, where, perhaps, Mr. B. has already budgeted for the tangentina his friends / enemies mafia. But the problem is still another. The bridge serves to whom? The problem now truncates commuters: Well, in the light of the current project, the affected areas for the support of the pillars of support, will Pellaro toe (Calabria) and Punta d'Ali (Sicily). For those who know the two areas, it is clear that the pendulum will not benefit the speed of travel of the bridge for a fundamental reason: the distance from the arrival on the ground is as far from the city center to city center of Messina and Reggio Calabria ; they follow the old path ferry-boat, which has greatly attracted the tourists in recent decades. € to pay the usual pedestrian crossing, instead of 40 one-way toll. Another problem is derived from the impact hydro that the bridge will be to the detriment of the already unstable ground Calabrian-Sicilian. Removal constant is known history of the island with the mainland, a phenomenon which, although small in size (about 10 mm per 10 years), it is always active. We must not confuse, as often happens when one speaks of "great works", the renunciation with the need, because the territory, came to a historical low of viability, it needs massive interventions in the areas of infrastructure, " "Environment", "land reclamation", "post-disaster reconstruction" and "viability." And do not confuse the "bridge plan" with the increase in employment, because if it is put in motion a machine organization, as the full consolidation of the two regions, employment could rise even without no doubt the work of the bridge. E 'need for the information campaign of the various events can really create a movement capable of changing our idea of \u200b\u200bgovernment men, stressing that the problem of development must necessarily pass through the opinion of those who live there in some places. We can not always go for the usual "troglodytes" on duty, scornful of the new design technology, because we, the citizens of the south, still die because it rains half an hour longer than usual and our houses are falling down, because someone has given amnesty when the amnesty was only a further life-threatening; die because the roads are bumpy and accidents victims reap burst. The race for development should never be confused with Napoleonic dreams of those who want to build only haphazardly, in a part of the world where he never lived. (In memory of the dead for the flood of Messina, the Vibo Valentia province of Crotone, the dead on the A3 on the 106, on Sicilian highways, the innocent victims Cosa Nostra and 'Ndrangheta, we honest ordinary citizens, victims of the silence of the institutions.)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

How To Write A Press Release On New Position


few links for further information on an event closely linked to the massacre of Piazza Fontana and the city of Vibo Valentia the sad 5 John Aricò history of anarchists, his wife Annelise Borth, waiting for a child, the anarchist painter Casile Angelo, Francesco Forgione and Luigi Lo Celso. The 5 departed from Vibo Valentia to Rome and died in a mysterious car accident on the outskirts of the capital. In our city some written more in praise Junio \u200b\u200bValerio Borghese.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Sherwin Williams Favorite Purple Bathroom

"Africans saved Rosarno": a book, a reality, an emergency.

receive by Angelo De Luca
Vibo-A book, a writer (Antonello Mangano), a former mayor (Milled Pepper), a volunteer rosarnese (Giuseppe Pugliese), few present. Start the discussion-presentation, the library system Vibo Valentia province, on a cold December pre-Christmas. Antonello Mangano recalls facts that really happened: the "revolt" peaceful Africans in 2008, tired of being subjected to harassment, racial violence, physical violence. The 'ndrine knock on doors where there were doors, those abandoned stable, as the former paper mill Rosarno, inhabited by 500 people, enslaved by the new colonialists. The racket, and not only against people who gather enough € 25 per day for 14 or 16 hours. Human and social disaster from which the free citizen can not avoid, we really miss are the children of immigrants? Their contribution to the regional economy can be decisive, because their huge labor force, their energy at work, their great cultural heritage, can, together with ours, retrain our region. Calabria, land of migrants has become a land of immigrants, who now representing 3% of the population. "It 'a moral, human, we feel the suffering of the poor of Africa - says the great former mayor, now a man of culture Peppino worked - we must fight together for a better world for future generations. When I read that in Italy the problem of public policy is determined by the presence of foreign workers, I get a surge of deep indignation. I do not exclude that in the big northern cities there may be foreign involvement in organized crime. But in the South, and certainly in Rosario and in Calabria, foreign workers are victims of criminal acts. Not only are they underpaid, forced to live in inhuman conditions, but many of them were robbed, beaten, some killed. The 'Ndrangheta, which affects the honest people of Calabria Rosarno and still strikes more ferocious aliens, because the weak. "The law of hospitality proposed by the Executive Loiero remained in the drawer, only some municipalities have joined with pride this project, as in the case of Badolato and Statues, the low Ionian villages, where solidarity and humanity of the municipalities and civil people, has given a bit 'of hope to these unfortunate people. "Our typical products are made by slaves - screaming - Peppino still work," as happens in Asia with corporations and sports as it happens in Africa with the slaves of gold and diamonds. "What agony, knowing that we behave as perfect slave, using several times the dignity of the brothers of Africa, victims of" a rogue usurpation 'of our rulers in their lands of origin, to satisfy our needs Western colonialism and the victims of our vulgar "rogue" that forces them to work in the fields and live in inhuman conditions, to enrich our families and abet the gangs' ndranghestiste Plains. The book is an instrument of knowledge and culture, but sin that resound in the ears of the deaf like an echo far away from where they can not get any, so as not upset the outset of xenophobia, which also govern the country, and advance the "responsibility" local, inter alia, that govern our land.

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a lesson from Finland to Italy

But the crisis is here one invests. As Finland has become a success. Which demonstrates the powerful effect of countercyclical spending on education. While we Gelmini cuts will sweep over schools, universities and research

Elisabetta Segre, Francesco Vona


We want to tell a story, want to tell Gemini to the Minister and all those who think that the only cuts and deregulation are good recipes to get out of a crisis. This is obviously a success story that, like many of those told in recent times, beginning with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

We are in Finland and our storytelling is the National Bureau of Statistics.

We just said that the Wall fell and with him the most important trading partner of the Baltic country, the Soviet Union. The economy suffers a terrible setback (Figure 1, GDP in millions of euro, Finland 1985-2007, constant 2007 prices, source: Eurostat, and Figure 2, Unemployment Rate, Finland 1988 - 2008, source: Eurostat). The unemployment rate touches 17% of the workforce (Source Eurostat) and the domestic product falls of almost 40 percentage points between '90 and '93. The economy is highly centralized and the labor force is heavily unionized and protected.

Let us now jump ahead 10 years and without changing coordinates we find ourselves in one of the most competitive countries in the world (Global Economic Forum - Global Competitiveness Report), which has managed to combine an average GDP growth of over 3.5% per annum between 1997 and 2007 (Eurostat) with a strong focus on environmental impacts that may result in such robust growth: the Environmental Performance index developed by Yale University Finland ranks in 4th place.

What happened in those 10 years? Probably Finnish politicians have followed the orthodox neoliberal recipes in vogue in the '90s (examples include the OECD Job Studies, 1994): liberalization of the labor market, decentralization of bargaining, widespread cuts in public spending in particular devoted to social protection (so dangerous to productivity because it makes it all terribly lazy workers). Not at all. The Finnish policy makers have decided to go against the tide: they preferred a well-focused industrial policy by increasing Investment in R & D (Figure 3, public investment in R & D as a percentage of GDP, Finland 1985-2007, source: Eurostat) and in training, especially at university level, thereby offsetting the costs in terms of unemployment - is still rather high - with the benefits generated by growth rates, allowing you to maintain a high level of protection and social protection for vulnerable groups. KELA Statistics Institute (a public institution in charge of providing various types of subsidies to different categories of users) tell us that, exactly on the period of greatest economic distress, public aid to university students reached a peak ( Figure 4 Support financial university education as a percentage of GDP, Finland 1985-2007, constant prices 2007, Source: Authors' calculations on data from Eurostat and Kela).

This story reveals the powerful effect of counter-cyclical spending for education. Among the strategic factors that propel the growth of the economy are indeed long-term training and policies for research and innovation. In particular, the families most affected by the crisis may find it difficult to finance the investment in that type of human capital that economists call general (mainly education), or detached from the specificity of a given technological and organizational business but more adaptable to new contexts. An extensive economic literature shows that investments in human capital and general education, increasing their ability to learn, can foster the adoption of new technologies and at the same time reduce the risk of unemployment due to skill mismatches (that is a bad match between qualifications required by enterprises and those offered by the workforce).

The opportunity to support the human capital accumulation during the general recession seems to be a pillar of the structural policies as necessary to maintain or increase the innovative capacity of a system.

The article summarizes the work published in: Segre E. and F. Vona, "Investment in Human Capital for overcoming the crisis: the Finnish experience", in R. Pizzuti (ed.) 2010 Report on the Welfare State, the University at Academia

original title: A history of the Finnish Minister Gelmini

Thursday, December 10, 2009

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Why the cat?

The cat captures all the instinctive side of Nature, is an animal free and independent. So it is a privileged to be his cryptic and secretive side. In 'ancient Egypt the cat was worshiped in the form of the goddess Bastet and was the agility and speed of the feline goddess put at the service man to protect him from enemies.
In Muslim tradition the cat is welcome. It is said that the prophet Muhammad cut off the skirt of his mantle not to wake the cat who slept sopra.Il cat is considered an animal empathy for his extrasensory abilities including one to pick up negative energy on the environment and to catalyze himself, for this reason it is considered therapeutic for humans. The cat instinctively knows the secrets of wellness and harmony, the Zen monks believed that it was able to "show the way".
Most of his exceptional qualities depend on the senses. A superfine hearing, a prodigious sense of smell, a sight that works even in darkness, are "tools" so sophisticated as to allow the cat to "see" a much broader reality of what is within our reach.
The cat is an instinctive unconscious force, the soul-root of vital energy with which it is necessary to remain in constant dialogue. Just the voice of this force, which is closely connected with nature and its laws, can assist us in the circumstances pericolose.Nella folklore the cat is related to clairvoyance: the good eye is always focused on other worlds, easy access for those who work in various ways. This made him a guardiano.Sempre especially in the folk tradition to keep a cat indoors insures against trolls and night come to steal your breath to the children ... the cat, unlike ours, sees them and fought them.
The cat is the animal with the most obvious and intuitively embodies freedom for excellence.
The black cat has been and still is the symbol of anarcho-syndicalists.

Sherwin Williams Favorite Purple


The Government has announced that Dec. 23 will be launched to the yards of the bridge over the Strait. The first act will be editing a section of the railway line next to the railway station Cannitello-Villa San Giovanni. Were not enough, apparently, the dead and Giampilieri ladder to put an end to this wicked idea and allocate public resources to bridge the safety of the area. For years, we are fighting against what we called "the monster of the Straits," because we believe that such enormous public resources are wasted, because we believe it is useless, because we believe it is devastating to the environment. On August 8th we took to the streets in thousands to say no to the Bridge. This event presents an alternative platform that saw the development as a central element in hydrogeological and seismic safety of the area, accompanied by requests from the strengthening of public transport in the Strait. With this platform we will be in the same place Dec. 19 at Villa San Giovanni in an appointment that will play character national. As part of the route that will take us to that event, suitable for a parade on December 1 in Faro, two months after the tragic events that struck the area south of the city and the Ionian coast, in places where they would like to raise the mast of the side Messina.