Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dry Two Days Before My Period

This poem has two powers that govern unfortunately in Italy: Berlusconi Government and
Church. Two diametrically opposed
powers but I do not know which law of physics attract.

A school is depicted Italy as a boot, boot
now has two powers, the first
located in Palazzo Chigi,
the other, more noble is based in the Vatican State,
state of the Church, the second
power of the boot,
Prime Minister to govern Italy plays with his best friend,
yes, the same man who
any given Sunday,
looks like a pigeon,
from the balcony in St. Peter's Square, and the expression
preaches to the faithful mesmerized by a god on earth,
the parables of the Gospel, the Gospel itself
obliging the man of the church to live in poverty,
fragment is not very clear to the Church, with its
having fed the world,
same world that tries to find a cause of all this wealth, there is
The Prime Minister has cut everything in the school,
even toilet paper, but
raised teachers' salaries religion, because that friendship of convenience
wants to maintain, as the
Lodo Alfano,
how friendship with the news,
like friendship with lawyers, like all
scapegoats, the
come in handy.

two powers in the boot, you
if they look good and say,
rise up to these two powers,
rebel government,
not believe in jokes,
not believe the news,
not believe we have overcome the crisis ,
not believe that we can not do anything, because
we can all rise up from these two powers, we hope
to arrive that day,
although little
we are pleased to see the light,
to see the end of the defeat of Italy,
and that day we will be able to throw it right at the bridge .


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